Chapter 1

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The sound of thunder caused by hundreds of hooves fill my ears as I run with my herd. Calls from other mares form their excitement fuel my own. I throw my head in the air and shout my own call and push forward.

I love my freedom but I can't get to comfortable with it because I'm not truly free. A couple years ago I escaped from people who kidnapped me when I was 2 years old. I know they're looking for me so I'm always watching my back.

I can't shift because I don't want to take the chance of my herd being afraid of what I truly am and me being alone. I also have to cover my scent to hide the shifter scent, its something that my inner horse, Onyx, taught me.

I don't really know a lot about my past other that I was born of alpha blood, I was kidnapped by werewolves at 2, and I was a slave to them ever since. Most of my memory was taken from me but I remember bits and pieces. But the one thing that I'll never for get is the guy's face, the one who beat me the most. I didn't know his name but I do know that he was the alpha.

I don't know why I was taken either. I'm not that important, I'm just a regular horse shifted. Yeah I might be of alpha blood but that's really the only special thing about me. I don't have any powers other than I can cover my own scent but all horse shifters can do that.

Once we reached the grazing valley everyone parted their own ways, looking for the perfect spot to graze, or roll, or, in the foals and yearlings case, play. I went off by my self like I normally do. I like to find a hill close by that way I can get a good view of all the horses. It also let's me get a more broad view of the area to make spotting danger a little easier.

With regular horses that's the job of the head stallion but I can't help myself. The head stallion of this herd is Phoenix, he's a leopard Appaloosa. We have been close ever since I joined the herd.

I believe that he knows I'm different somehow, though he doesn't give me any signs. He recruited me to be his head mare and I couldn't resist. It's a lot of responsibility but so far Iv proven worthy and it makes Phoenix happy. The only thing that would make him more happy is if I had his foal.

I don't go into heat like the other horse because I'm a shifter. I'll go in to heat when I find my mate. I have a feeling that I will someday get to meet my mate so that's one reason why I'm holding off. The other reason is because if I did have his foal I don't even know if it would be a shifter like me or not or even if my body would accept the foal since he's not a shifter like me.

But either way if the foal was a shifter I would have to leave the herd and raise it by myself and I don't want to do that. This is the closest thing that I have to a family right now so I don't want to screw it up.


Hope you all like the first chapter and continue reading

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