Chapter 16

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After running around in my wolf form for about a week I decided that it was time to go back and talk to Elena. I'm not mad at her by any means. I was just, and still am, pissed off at the fact that someone laid a hand on her inappropriately without her consent.

I felt really bad about how I left that night. I wasn't able to get her face out of my mind. How sad and scared she looked. The tears that were forming in her eyes. The first thing that I'm doing is going to her and explaining that I'm not mad at her but the fucking asshole who touched her.

When I entered the territory something felt off and getting deeper into the heart of the territory I understood why. The smell of death and blood was weighing in the air. Looking around I saw no bodies but blood stained grass. The blood stank of rogue and if there was any fatalities or major injuries from my pack I wasn't able to pick it up.

My wolf and I thought about our mate. Could she have been hurt? Did she make it to the safe houses safely? My speed started to pick up until I was inside the pack house. Everyone seemed to be moping around. I shifted and Damon brought me a pair of shorts.

"What happen during my absence"

"I explain but you need to follow me" he said sadly. I flowed him out of the pack house and he started to explain.

"The day after you took off a large group of rogues attacked us. We had some who where injured but not nearly as bad as Elena"

The sound of my mates name being used a reference to other injuries concerned me deeply. "What do you mean? Where the hell is she?"

"She's in the ICU"

"ICU!! WHY THE HELL IS SHD IN THERE" I started to run towards the pack hospital.

"I have no idea why she was out in the yard in the first place but she got jumped by around 7 wolves. I have no idea how she was able to fight them off by herself but she did. I don't even think she knew how hurt she was"

I barged into the hospital door and went straight to the ICU section. Damon directed me to which room she was in and I ran straight there. Barging through the room door I saw Elena laying on the bed with a tube down her throat, a thing on her finger to keep track of her heart beat, and IV in her arm. She had a rap around her neck and bites and cuts that had be sewed shut.

"The doctors and to put her in a medically induced coma because of pain she was in"

"Why hasn't she healed" I asked looking over her injuries.

"Nobody knows. The doctor ran test but everything came back normal. It's like she's not letting herself heal"

I walked over to her bedside and grabbed her hand. Sparks tingled their way through my hand. Why wasn't she letting herself heal?

"I'll leave you alone with her" I nodded my head.

"Elena if you can hear me I'm sorry, I wasn't mad at you at all I promise. I was mad at the fact that someone else touched you in that way" I rubbed her hand "I promise that we will get your daughter, I'll love her as if she was my own because she is a part of you and because I love you with all my hart. But please allow your horse to heal you"

'Ash I heard that you were back and I need to talk to you about the rogue attack it's very important' My beta, Joe, mind linked me.

'Not right now I'm with Elena in the ICU'

'But Ash it's about her'

I growled in frustration. I don't want to leave but I need to know how and why this is about my mate. I looked down at her sleeping figure and kissed the top of her head. "I love you, I'll be back soon"

'Alright meet me in my office'

Once I got to my office I found that Joe was already there. Not surprising since I was at the hospital and he was probably somewhere closer.

"Alright now how is this related to my mate"

"Well after the attack we took some of the rogue who were injured to the cellars. The fist few gave us nothing so we killed them but once the others saw what we had done to them they started talking." He explained as I walked over to my desk and sat down. He sat in the chair in front of me and continued.

"They said that they were contacted by a man whom they don't know. He recruited them to join in some kind of army and when we asked why he said that the man didn't want the prophecy to come true. That he wants all the power to himself, and wants to rule over the werewolf race and the only way to do that is to kill Elena."

"Great something else to piss me off. I'm starting to understand why this position almost killed my father." I mumbled. "Alright so it seems that the rumors about this war is true so here's  what we're going to do, get every wolf that is 16 years of age and older along with the ones that will be coming of age in the next two months. Start their training immediately and have training once a day everyday. Also we'll start evacuation drills more often and make the time that they say in the safe house random also. We won't know how long the fight will be so just incase it takes a while they need to be prepared."

"Ok I'll gather a meeting with everyone tomorrow afternoon. Will you be there to explain or should I"

"I don't know yet, but I need to get back to the hospital so I'll talk to you later"


Hoped you like the chapter

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