Chapter 15

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"I have to go" Ash stood his body shaking from anger. Eyes blacker than night.

"Ash are you mad at me or that I-" he growled cutting me off

"I don't need to hear it agin" he growled. "Need to go" with in two steps he had shifted into his giant black wolf. I took two steps towards him and he took off in to the trees.


Anger filled my entire body. The though of another wolf hovering over my mate taking her innocent that was meant for me to take pushed me beyond pissed. And knowing that he got her pregnant put me completely over the top.

Digging my claws into the ground I push myself faster. I need something to take some of my anger out. Though the only way that I will truly be satisfied is when I rip the throat of the bastered who raped my mate.

I caught the scent of three rogues and redirected myself to their location. Once I reached them I attacked the first on killing it instantly. The other two hadn't even know until the second one was dead and I was on top of the other one.

I was hoping that killing would subside some of my anger but it did nothing. It only brought more anger to my knowing that they aren't the one who hurt my mate. I need to find this bastered and kill him.


I lay on mine and Ash's bed taking in all of Ash's scent that I can. I'm so worried that he will come back and reject me. That he won't want me after I was with another even though I was with him by force.

There was a knock at my door and it opened slightly. Bella poked her head through the crack and gave me a sad look.

"You told him"

I nodded my head "he got really angry and said that he had to go" I let a tear fall down my face and ok to his pillow. "I waited at the lake for hours until the sun came up and he didn't show up so I can here think that he came back a different way but I can't find him"

"Oh honey I'm sorry but I'm sure that he's not made at you but the bastered who did that to you"

"Are you sure"

"Yeah absolutely" I sit up and pull her into a hug just as sirens go off. Looking around I was co bused as to where they were coming from. I look at Bella figuring that she would know.

"There's been an attack we need to get to the underground safe houses quick" she jumped up, grabbed my hand, and dragged me all the way down to the first floor.

"Wait if there's a fight that means that Ash has to be down there right no better way to take out his anger than to kill attackers"

"Elena no it's to dangerous you have no training and everyone thinks that all the horse shifters are dead if they see you then they will all know about he prophecy leaving us with no advantage"

Ignoring her words I run out into the front yard. It look peaceful no one was out side there was no fighting. I shifted into my horse and ran in the direction of faint howls, yips, wines, and growls.

When I got there no one seemed faded my appearance. Everyone was to involved with whomever they were fighting. I didn't bother to attack anyone I was to focused on trying to find Ash. But my frantic search made me blind to what was going on.

A wolf had jumped me. He sank his k9s into my side causing me to fall over and scream in pain. I tried to get up but was held down. More wolves had come to assist the first one to. On grabbed on to my neck and clapped down blocking my air supply.

As I was getting closer to passing out form lack of oxygen visions came to me. Flashes of memories of my being abused and then the last one of my daughter when she was born. Here eyes stared into mine pleading me to fight, pleading me to stay alive and come rescue her.

Using what strength that I had left I pushed myself to get up. Surprised, the wolfed let go of my neck and I greedily took in all the air that I could. After he got over the initial shock of me somehow getting up, he growled and lunged at me again. I spun around just in time for him to fly past me. He stumbled and I charged after him. I reared and came down on his head, killing him instantly.

The fighting around me started to die down as the rogues started to retreat. Many dead bodies littered the ground all of them rogues. Some where severely injured and bleeding out on the ground.

I continued to run around in search of Ash. I have no way to contact him. He hasn't marked me so I can't mind link him and I can't feel what he is feeling since we haven't mated so I can't tell if he's ok or not.

I could hear someone calling my name and although I count fully hear them to make out who it was, I'm sure that it's Bella seeing as she is the only other one who know I'm a horse. I see someone running up to my side.

"Elena you need to shift and go to the pack doctor" she said looking very concerned.

I shifted. "No I'm fine I need to find Ash"

I tried to stand but I fell to the ground. Pain washed over my body and that's when I noticed all the blood. I had misshapen bit marks on my neck, stomach, arms and legs along with scratches.

Blood was gushing out every where. The bits and cuts where very deep. I couldn't feel them healing and I had no idea why. My surroundings stared to fade and change to black. I was loosing to much blood. Soon everything when black.

Hope the chapter was good.

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