Chapter 20

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"Quit down everyone quit down" looking around no one has seemed to hear me. Well that's amazing, they all know I have been very short fused for the least couple of weeks. "I SAID QUIT" I growled loudly gaining the attention of my pack.

"Finally. Now you all know that my daughter has been take from me by the council."

"I'm sorry but Alpha why would they take her and where did they take her" a woman asked

"They took and placed her with her mother. A servant that live here when my father was Alpha. It was my fathers orders to have sex with her. After the child was born the servant started acting out and escaped. But the thing is she is part of a prophecy a prophecy that my father was trying to avoid." I paused for a moment.

"So I have taken this to be an act of war. We will get my daughter back and kill anyone that tries to stand in our way. Rogues are to be captured not killed. We need them to build up and army. If you are age 16 and up you are to start training and long with anyone who's birthdays are coming up in a couple of months. Am I understood"

"Yes Alpha" everyone said in unison and bowed. After I dismissed them I headed back to my office I need to make a few phone calls. The first was to a few of my allied pack who don't like the Royal packs.

"Hello Alpha I have declared war on a pack and would like for you to assist me"

"Well it depends on the pack and your reasoning."

"The Royal Moon pack. They took my daughter from me"

"A Royal pack? No way I may not like the Royal packs but in not stupid enough to got to eat with them. And besides let the council deal with them if they took your daughter."

"The council already know they are the ones who have her to them"

"Look Alpha I'm sorry about your daughter but I'm not going to war with a Royal pack. The council will have a bounty over my pack if we go to war with one of there precious packs. Again sorry but your on your own" he said then hung up.

I called my more packs. Most said the same thing. They're sorry about my daughter and they won't help. It posed me off. What if it was their son or daughter. They would be doing the same thing. Out of anger I picked up the phone and called one last pack.

"Ash Blackwolf I will kill your mate for taking my daughter. I will get my revenge on you for taking her away from me. My daughter will be back in my pack and I will slaughter your whole pack and leave you the last alive so you can suffer. Or maybe I'll kill you and leave Elena alive instead." My grip on the phone had tightened so intensely that it crushed in my hand. I threw what was left at the wall and started to rampage. I flipped over my desk, punched holes in the wall, I shifted and ripped all the furniture apart. Still angered I ran out to the front yard.

I called for some of my men. We are going to attack some weak up rising pack. Take out very last pack member slowly and let their alpha and Luna feel all the pack their members are going through.

Just the mir though of the blood being spilled by my hand excited me. I used to go on kills with father but really it just bored me then. I was amply doing it because I had to. Now I find pleasure in watching them die. Watching the life drain out of their eyes and blood pool around them.

Once we reached the pathetic excuse of a pack we hit with full force. We first took out the weak wanna be guards then went to the one who where out side. Every woman that I looked at I saw her face. The bitch who took my daughter away from me.

My wolf was in complete control. There was no holding him back. There was no gaining control until he gave it back. He wanted revenge he wanted his pup back. But this is the best that we could do for now.

The pack but up no fight which was disappointing. I told my men the the Alpha and Luna where mine. By now they have felt all the pain in the world from loosing their pack. Once I got to them they where one their knees holding each other in their arms. The woman was crying and the man had a face that knew what was to come.

I snarled at them and the man stood. He shifted in his last attempt to protect his mate. He lunged and lunged again, but I was he was no match for me. With one snap of my jaw he was dead and his mate was in agony. She cried out for her mate. I need her suffering quickly.

By the time we had finished blood stained the ground and filled the air with its metallic scent. I felt empty inside like it only help while I was doing it. I guess this is what an addiction feels like. Having to do something again and again to take away the feeling that your feeling but father you done the feeling is still there.

I was drenched in blood. This is going to be a bitch to get out of my coat and from under my nails. Not bothering to do anything with the bodies we all left. I took off way head of my men. I was consumed with my sadness and didn't want them to see how weak I have become. It's better for them to think that I totally pissed off rather than totally heartbroken.

I wish no one the pain of losing there child whether it be them getting killed, taken, or running away. The pain is still the same and it's hard to bare. Lilly had softened me. She had and still is my world. And I will get her back. She will be back with me and my mate. She will hopefully have a little brother or sister in the future to play with and protect.

'I'll bring you home. You'll be back homework daddy soon and it will be like none of this ever happened. I promise.' I though. I lifted my head up to midnight moon and let out a howl.

Hope you liked the chapter.

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