Chapter 7

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Sky's P.O.V      

It's about midnight and we are all still up waiting to see how Ender is doing. Ty is snuggeled right beaside me listen to his music, trying to stay awake. I look over and see Mitch, and Jerome. I see the bacca is trying to stay awake also. Well bacca's do need there sleep. I think we all do.

"How long does this take again?" Jason said.

"We don't know. It takes Seto quite some time for a sorcerer himself the magic of one can take a bit of time." Ian said.

"Well all we have to do is wait a bit longer then we should be. Am I right?" I said.

Everyone nodded. Let's hope everything is all right.

*Next Day*

Ender's P.O.V (Finally)

"Ender wake up." 

"Huh what." I said in a moan. (Nothing like that)

"The potion is done. You can be in human form again." Seto said happily.

"Really? But what is the side affect?" I asked.

"Okay I will say. But first it took me all night because of how long the potion took. And the side effect is that if you ever get mad at all you will turn into the form that you are in. But once you clam down you will turn back into human." He said.

"Oh, well it's better that way. Isn't it?" I said.

He shook his head yes. I opend the vial and started to drink it. Once it was done I felt differnt. I feel my back is now lighter. The wings, and tail are now gone.

I got up and hugged Seto.

"Thank you so much. I'll never forget this. Ever." I said.

"Your welecome. Now can you please let go?" He said.

"Oh sorry." I said while I let go of him.

"Now to tell the guys. Once I open the door you come out okay?"

I shook my head yes as I sat on the bed. I am so happy to be back to normal.

Zek's P.O.V

Okay how can I be so stupid. Kissed Dawn like that. I mean I know 2 weeks have past but come on. I am so dum. 

I walked into the main room and see Dawn sitting there making plans to get this guy Sky as so I called it back.

"Are you having fun?" I asked.

She looked up at me.

"Why I'm having so problems on to getting him back though. I have a feeling Ender might be back there and in her form. But who knows if that Seto person might be there and help her to change her back." She said

"Wait did you say Seto?" I asked again.

"Yea. Why you know him?"

"Well we use to be best buds. Not anymore." I said as I sat next to her.

"Why what happend?" 

I told her the whole story and how he took my powers away. Then something came into my mind, a plan and a good one.

"Hey question for you?" 

"Okay what is it?"

"What is Sky's most weakness?"

"Well it's squids. Why do you asked." 

"I have an idea and it might work." I said as I got up and got to my study. 

I know I have a spell to turn any unwalking mob into one. And with squids it will be perfect.


Hi again. Okay just saying I'm starting to get writer block again. This chapter took me at least all day to write it. To me writing out a chapter takes about an hour. So this sucks for me.

Also action will be happing soon in this book. So get ready for that. 

That is all I have to say. Bye my friends and see you next time

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