Chapter 20

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Seto's P.O.V

We were all ready to go. Well except me. Without using my magic if just pointless.

"It will be okay Seto. Trust me." Ian whispered to me.

"So are we all ready?" Danny asked. 

Every said yup. Health potions, check. Wepons, check. Soon i started to cast a spell that would bring us half way to our location.

Once I did we were there. Well just half way.

"Now we just half to walk north." I said.

"Shhh." Jerome said.

"What is it....."

"Their here!" 

"Who is here?" Sky asked. 

"I belive that would be us."

We all turned around seeing Zek and Dawn. And well the squids.

"Were is Ty!" Sky demanded.

"Oh you mean your lover. Well see for yourself." Zek said.

Dawn bought out a life size cage. But inside that cage was Ty. So badly betten up. It was hard to look at him.

"You will pay for this." Ender said madly. 

Well this is going to be one hell of a fight.

Ender's P.O.V

"You will pay for this." I said mad.

If I get more mad you will know what will happen to me next.

"Now, now. Before this get's a little to crazy. These swords. Don't have posion on them. For once I just want this battle to be a longer." Zek said.

"Yup and to add that little... Well I should say anger." Dawn paused.

"Attack." She said.

Before you know it we were all fighting.  I saw Seto using his magic which was good that he can use it here. Jason in space suit in the air. Killing off squids. There were to many of them. Zek must of made a lot more. Then there is Jerome going all bacca on them. Well I don't blame him of what happend to Mitch before. 

"Ender look out." 

I look ahead of me seeing a squid charging near me. Danny killed it before anything happens.

"Thank you."

"Better look out next time. And get you head together." 


"Shall we?" 

Dawn's P.O.V

Well this battle is perfect. Seeing everyone fight it's just. Well heaven to me. I see Zek next to me enjoying it to.

"Hey you know what?" Zek said.

"What is that?"


He handed me the whip. The same whip I beat Ty with. I knew what his plan was.

"Now you know what I'm thinking right?"

"I think. When everyone is being held by the squids except for Ender. Beat Ty with this whip, which will make her more made. In which hopefully will make her turn into the dragon form?" i said.

"Perfect you now know."

This was getting to be perfect.

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