Chapter I: The Journey to Hogwarts

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first Blinny/ Dramione fanfic so I hope you like it! Please make sure to comment and vote! I also don't know how long this is going to be but we'll see...

~Blaise POV~

I walk briskly onto Platform 9 3/4 on September 1st with Draco. Ever since the war in which both of my parents were killed, the Malfoys have treated me like family and I've actually enjoyed it a lot. Lucius has been sentenced to 5 years in Azkaban for Death Eater activity and Narcissa is actually quite happy to not have him around. There was some debate as to whether me and Draco went back to do our final year but in the end we decided it was a good idea because we wanted to prove that we'd changed.

"Ready?" Draco asks as we stride over to the scarlet Hogwarts Express with its sparkly billowing steam. "As I'll ever be." I reply.

We say goodbye to Narcissa who hugs us both tightly before we step onto the train. Dragging our heavy trunks with us we search for an empty compartment but they're all full as there are more people than usual going to Hogwarts this year. Eventually we find a compartment with only two people inside, Granger and that Weasley girl who both look startled. I nearly sneer at them before realising I don't have to because we aren't enemies anymore. 

"Mind if we sit here?" Draco asks tentatively. The girls exchange nervous glances before nodding so we sit down. I'm opposite Weasley and as I lean across to put my trunk in the overhead compartment I catch a hint of a flowery scent. It creeps up my nostrils and makes my skin tingle. I quickly put the trunk safely away and shrink back into my seat, willing the feeling to go away.
Weasley eyes me with a somewhat distasteful look and then continues her conversation with Granger. 

Draco's asleep already so I pull out a book, thinking of nothing but how awkward this journey is going to be...

~Ginny POV~

I apparate to King's Cross with my family on September 1st and the first thing I see is Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini which surprises me as I thought they'd never return to Hogwarts. This thought must show on my face as my mum suddenly says "Ginny dear, don't pull that unflattering face. Now have a nice time and write to us whether you want to stay for Christmas or come home." I nod and hug her tightly before walking over to the Hogwarts Express, joined by Hermione, Ron and Harry. We all clamber onto it and are immediately engulfed by younger students all in awe of the golden trio. I stand there slightly awkwardly until a particularly excitable third year turns to me and says "Of course, you're Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter's girlfriend. Do you know how many people envy you?" I don't know what to say so I just smile then walk into an empty compartment, dragging Hermione with me. "See you later!" Harry calls after us both, still being attacked by admiring fans.

I sigh as we sit down. Hermione looks sympathetic. "Why's he so bloody popular?" I groan. I already know the answer but having it rubbed in my face by a third year that half the school wants my boyfriend is a bit worrying. I mean I know I'm attractive, people have said it to me often enough but it doesn't mean Harry won't ditch me for someone better. I voice these thoughts to Hermione who nods and then looks down. "What is it Mione?" I ask with a frown.
The brunette looks up with tears in her chocolate brown eyes. I pull her into a hug. "I think Ron's been cheating on me with Lavender." She says quietly. "I'LL BLOODY KILL HIM!" I exclaim. Hermione frantically shushes me and all of a sudden the door to our compartment opens and we both look round, worried that it might be Ron.

"Mind if we sit here?" Asks Draco Malfoy, our six-year enemy. Me and Hermione glance at each other for a second then nod. Malfoy walks in followed by his handsome- I mean his gorgeous- I mean his friend Blaise Zabini whom I've never spoken to but half the school are crushing on him, and I can see why! 'No Ginny, you have a boyfriend! And besides he's a Slytherin, we hate each other!' I think to myself. He sits opposite me and stands up to put his trunk in the luggage wrack. He then sniffs before shivering and sitting back down. 'Weird kid' I think to myself while glaring at him. He just hunches back in his seat and starts reading a book. Me and Hermione continue our conversation as the train starts to move.

~Draco's POV~

Me and my best friend Blaise apparate onto Platform 9 3/4 and immediately get nervous glances from surrounding students and parents. Some even glare at us. It makes me feel really uncomfortable. Maybe we shouldn't have come back after all.

I take a deep breath "Ready?" I ask Blaise. "As I'll ever be." He replies and we say goodbye to my mother before boarding the train.

As we walk down the train isle we look for an empty compartment whilst enduring looks from half the school. Eventually we give up and go into a carriage with only two people in, Granger and Weaslette. I hesitate then ask anxiously "Mind if we sit here?"

The girls look at each other then nod but don't say anything. I sit opposite Granger and Blaise sits next to me, opposite Weaslette. Blaise puts his luggage in the overhead compartment whilst I pretend to fall asleep. I don't want to talk to anyone and risk saying something mean so feigning sleep is way easier. Blaise seems to buy it because he just looks at me then pulls out a book and starts reading.

The girls, meanwhile are having a conversation about something or other in low voices. I squint my eye open a tiny bit and study Granger's face. She's gotten even more attractive than last year. Her long wavy hair is in a messy topknot and her chocolate brown eyes are big and sparkling. She looks beautiful. She laughs at something Weaslette says and her lips curve into a smile showing her perfect pearly teeth.

I flash back to when her front teeth were massive and I hexed them even bigger. I regret that so much, I never meant to hurt her. Truth is, I've liked her since third year when she punched me in the face. Sounds mental, I know, but her temper really is something, not to mention her looks.
I continue to watch her out of the corner of my eye whilst still pretending to sleep, fantasising about me and her in a relationship where Weasley King didn't exist...

~Hermione POV~

I walk through the barrier onto Platform 9 3/4 with my parents. I say goodbye to them and tell them that I'll write every week then go to find my friends. I spot the Weasleys and Harry almost immediately and run over to greet them. Then me, Ron, Ginny and Harry board the train. A crowd of students immediately engulf us and start congratulating us. I smile at them then Ginny drags me off to find a compartment. "See you later!" Harry calls after us, but Ron says nothing.
We go into an empty compartment and store our luggage and pets away. Then Ginny sighs. 

"Why's he so bloody popular?" She asks with a groan. I don't answer, simply nod and look down at my feet. Tears form in my eyes and I will them not to spill out. "What is it Mione?" Ginny asks. I look up and she looks shocked to see the tears. She pulls me into a hug and I rest my chin on her shoulder. "I think Ron's been cheating on me with Lavender." I say quietly. Ginny jerks her head up with a gasp. "I'LL BLOODY KILL HIM!" She yells. I shush her frantically, terrified someone will overhear us.

Sure enough, someone walks into the compartment and we both look round in surprise to see who it is. Malfoy. He looks awkwardly at us then says tentatively "Mind if we sit here?" I look to see who 'we' is referring to and see Zabini, Malfoy's dark-haired attractive friend. Half the school likes him but apparently he doesn't date much. 'Waiting for the right girl' someone had said. Me and Ginny glance at each other then nod wordlessly. They sit down and I think to myself 'Hey, at least that means you can't sit with Ron.'

Malfoy immediately goes to sleep and Zabini starts reading a book so me and Ginny continue to talk in low voices.

"Oh well, it's not like you'll have to spend much time with Ron," Ginny says. "You're Head Girl so you'll be in a separate dorm with the Head Boy. I'm not so lucky though, I have to sleep with his horrible other girlfriend or whatever Ron calls her. Lav-Lav, Lavvy, Lavatory." We both laugh.
"I wonder who the Head Boy is," I think aloud. "Well we'll soon find out, won't we..."

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