Epilogue: 4 Years Later

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~Blaise POV~

"Ready?" I ask, popping my head round the twins' door. Ginny is sitting cross-legged on the floor, fastening Molly's robes. Alessandro is sitting in her lap, playing with the ends of her long red hair the way I do. Our eldest, Louis, is also in the room, attempting to tie his shoe laces. He wails as it congeals into a big knot and I rush over to help him, fixing it in a matter of seconds. Louis hugs me and squeals with delight as I lift him up onto my shoulders.

"Have you heard from her? She hasn't changed her mind?" I ask Ginny. She looks up at me, slightly worried.

"No, she's still going." She replies, picking up one twin in each arm. I marvel at her strength and then we all proceed to make our way to the living room, where we climb into the fireplace. Louis is almost four and has used the floo network a few times. He's not a big fan of it so I keep him on my shoulders and pat his knee comfortingly.

"Malfoy Manor." I say firmly and am instantly transported to the familiar dining room fireplace. Stepping out and brushing ash off my robes, I lift Louis down off my shoulders and set him on the ground where he immediately rushes over to Narcissa, wrapping his arms tightly round her as she hugs him delightedly. I greet Narcissa and Lucius just as Ginny and the twins appear behind me. Lucius rushes over and takes Molly from Ginny's arms, lifting her high into the air. It's her favourite game.

We go round to the Malfoys' at least twice a week for dinner as they look after the kids whilst me and Ginny work. Mr and Mrs Weasley like to spend the weekends with us and sometimes mind Louis, Alessandro and Molly so me and Ginny can have some alone time. Hermione spends quite a lot of time at our house aswell, when she isn't working her very prestigious Ministry job.

Suddenly, a tall blonde figure enters the room. Someone I haven't seen in four long years. Someone I hadn't heard from for almost two years until the wedding invitation had arrived with the rest of the owl post.

"Hi." He smiles nervously at me and Ginny.

"Hello." I reply, icily. Ginny nudges me and I shake his hand reluctantly.

"It's been a while." Draco remarks.

"Yeah. Too long." I let my voice drip with distaste.

There's still an hour until the start of the service, which is being held in the parlour. Me and Ginny agreed to come early to help Lucius and Narcissa set up, although I'd feared an encounter like this would take place.

"So shall we get started?" Narcissa asks, breaking the steely glare I'm hardly aware I'm giving to the boy that was once my brother. I nod and take Alessandro from Ginny so her arms can have a break.

"And who are these three?" Draco asks, curiously but with obvious apprehension.

"Louis, Alessandro and Molly." Ginny replies simply, pointing to each of the children in turn. Louis looks exactly like me, with caramel skin, dark hair and a cheeky smile. Although, he has bright green eyes which shine like the heavens above. Alessandro and Molly are both redheads and freckly although they're a bit darker than Ginny. The twins are only just two years old but they already know how to talk, despite being a bit difficult to understand sometimes.

We make our way to the parlour and start putting up decorations and moving chairs with our wands. When we're done, guests have started to arrive. They mill around, talking to friends and finding their seats. I find Ginny and the kids and we take a row in the middle.

~Ginny POV~

"Maybe she isn't going to show." I speculate, craning my neck to look around at the back of the room. Most people are seated and Draco is standing alone at the front of the room. Part of me wants to go up and slap him in front of everyone, but I've already been pleaded with not to cause a scene. Turns out my family and friends know me well. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, though.

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