Chapter VI: The Plan

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A/N: Hi! I have nothing to say so enjoy!

~Blaise POV~

"Now," the white figure says in his cold as ice high-pitched voice, "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Green light shines on Ginny's red hair as she falls to the ground, dead and I scream.

I bolt up in bed and realise that I was dreaming, Ginny isn't dead. All the same, I have to go and check.

I tiptoe to her room then open the door as quietly as I can. I expect to see her sleeping peacefully but instead she's sitting up in bed, crying. I rush to her side and pull her to my chest.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Nothing," she replies shakily. "Just bad dreams."

"I have them too." I say.

She sobs on my shoulder and I breathe in her flowery scent. It's so calming just to feel the warmth of her body and the beat of her heart.

I get up after a few minutes and turn to leave when Ginny calls out "Will you stay with me? Please?" I turn around and then climb into bed next to her.

We both lie down and she rests her head on my shoulder. I stroke her hair and hug her, trying to make her feel safe and secure like I know I'd want to feel. She falls asleep not long after and I think for a little while.

Ginny's so feisty and bold all the time it's weird that I've seen her cry twice in the past few days. She's a lot more vulnerable than she likes to make out but I want her to know that I'll always protect her if she needs it.

I fall asleep to the sound of Ginny's breathing and find that the rest of my night isn't plagued with nightmares which is unusual but nice.

The next morning I wake up next to the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

I carefully brush the red hair off her freckly face and she begins to stir. One sparkling eye flutters open followed by the other. "Good morning beautiful." I say, smiling at her. She kisses my cheek and then gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom.

I get out a minute later and find Ginny brushing her teeth. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her thin waist. She puts one hand over mine and I rest my chin on her head.

It's Monday today so we have to get ready for breakfast in time to get our timetables.

We walk down to the Great Hall with Draco and Hermione who disappear straight away to get instructions from McGonagall about helping the new students to find their classes.

Ginny and I sit down at the Slytherin table and start eating.

"I'm glad I'm not Head Girl," says Ginny, watching Hermione intently as she tries to shepherd the First Years around. "Me too," I reply. "We get all the fun without the responsibility." Gin nods and we eat and get handed our timetables. I rush off for Defence Against the Dark Arts whilst Ginny heads to Herbology. We didn't have time to compare timetables but hopefully I'll walk into a class and find her there. I really hope I have lessons with her, she'd make even History of Magic interesting.

~Ginny POV~

Herbology passes quickly and I head to double Potions. To my extreme happiness I see Blaise leaning against the wall of the corridor outside Slughorn's dungeon talking to Draco. I join them and Blaise winks at me.

Hermione shows up shortly afterwards, making us all happy that we're together for at least one class.

Slughorn comes to the door and ushers us all inside, telling us to take a seat at whatever table we want. The four of us sit together, of course, and take out our books, ingredients and brass scales.

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