Chapter IX: Going Home for Christmas

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~Blaise POV~

I walk arm in arm with Ginny along the snowy path into Hogsmeade. It's two weeks before the start of Christmas Break and we're going to buy all our Christmas presents.

We stop outside The Three Broomsticks and turn around to talk to Draco and Hermione.

"How about we go off on our own to do our shopping and meet back here in an hour?" Hermione suggests.

We all agree and head off in different directions.

I pull the list of people I need to buy for out of my pocket and head into Zonkos.

First on the list is Theo. I buy him a Fanged Frisbee because the Giant Squid ate his old one.

Then I go into a new shop that has just opened called "To Read Or Not To Read" and browse through hundreds of books that I could buy for Hermione. I eventually settle on "One Hundred Ways To Charm a Cat: Volume II" because she recently finished the first one and turned Crookshanks's fur blue.

Then I'm about to leave when I notice a small sparkling book titled "Ironic Love". I pick it up and read the blurb.

'The tale of how two bad boys fell in love with two good girls.'

Smirking, I buy it for Draco.

Then I look on the list. The only people I have left are Narcissa, Luna and Ginny.

I buy Luna a small bottle of perfume with the name 'Nargle Repellent' and then walk into a jewellery shop.

I look around at all of the sparkling necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings and more. I find a small pendant of a midnight blue narcissa flower hanging on a dainty silver chain. I'm going to Malfoy Manor with Draco for Christmas. I grin and then look at things for Ginny. I know that girls love getting jewellery from their boyfriend so I walk around looking at everything, knowing it has to be perfect. I don't have much time until I'm supposed to go back to The Three Broomsticks when I spot a little white gold ring with a heart-shaped colour-changing stone in the centre. It keeps changing from emerald green to deep scarlet and back again. I smile. It's perfect. I purchase the two pieces of jewellery and then start walking back to The Three Broomsticks. As I'm about to walk inside, I bump into Ginny and we both fall into the snow, laughing. I pick her up and wrap my Slytherin scarf around her neck because she's shaking with cold. Then we walk inside and join Hermione and Draco at a table.

I go up to the bar to order and come back a couple of minutes later with four Butterbeers. Then I lean back and put my arm around Ginny's shoulders, stroking her snowflake-flecked hair.
She's going home along with Hermione for Christmas and I'm going to miss her so much.

~Ginny POV~

I sit cuddled up with Blaise in The Three Broomsticks sipping my Butterbeer. Me and Hermione are going to the Burrow for Christmas which I'm looking forward to but Ron and Harry are going to be there so all I'm saying is that I'm very good at Bat-Bogey Hexes.

I'm going to miss Blaise a lot though. I haven't told him yet but me and Hermione wrote to my mum and asked if we could invite Blaise, Draco and Mrs Malfoy over for New Years and she said yes. We wrote to Mrs Malfoy already and she accepted but we're not going to tell Draco and Blaise until they admit how much they're going to miss us.

Then, as we're chatting, Blaise sighs. "I'm going to miss you so much Weaslette." He whispers in my ear.

I grin. "And I you." I reply.

Draco kisses Hermione's nose and asks us if we can all meet up sometime over Christmas.
Hermione catches my eye and I nod.

"You already are," she exclaims, grinning.

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