Chapter XIV: Amnesia

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~Blaise POV~

I struggle to hold Draco back as Hermione storms out of the house. Everyone is in complete and utter shock at what just happened but I don't want him to make the situation worse.

"What the-" I start.

"We can't just let her leave!" Draco cuts in frustratedly.

"I'll follow her." Ginny says, letting go of my hand, which she was clutching as the previous events unfolded.

She sprints out of the door but returns a second later, explaining that Hermione has disapparated.
"Where would she have gone?" Draco asks frantically, picking up his wand, ready to go after her.

"My place, most likely," Ginny replies, looking at me anxiously. "Look, she's clearly not in her right mind. It must have been the fall. I'll go to my house, hopefully she's there."

Narcissa says that she thinks this is a good idea and then embraces Draco as he stares despairingly at the floor. She whispers to him and I give them some privacy by following Ginny outside, where she's getting ready to disapparate.

"Be careful." I instruct, taking her hands in mine.
She nods and leans up to kiss me softly. Afterwards, I hug her tightly for a moment, before stepping back as she gives me one last smile and disapparates.

I stare at the spot where she vanished for a moment and then head back inside, taking a seat next to Draco, who's on the floor leaning against a wall.

"It's not going to last forever," I say, trying to sound calm and soothing. "There'll be some kind of potion or something that will get her memory back."

Draco nods but doesn't look much more at ease.

I get up and walk to the kitchen, grabbing the plate of remaining cookies that me and Ginny baked this morning, although it feels like an eternity ago. I leave a few for the house elves, despite their selfless objections, and then take the rest to Draco.

"Eat. You'll feel better." I say, pushing a cookie into his hand. He stares at it for a moment and then takes a bite.

"These are actually really good." Draco says, although his voice is flat.

"Those things she said," I start, knowing this is mainly what has gotten to Draco so much. "She went through hell. Well, most of us did, you included. You can't blame her for coming to the conclusions she did. I know it hurts and you feel like you're not right for her and stuff, I feel like that quite often when I think about Ginny, but-"

Draco cuts me off. "Hey, nobody said we weren't right for them. Would you ever let anything happen to Ginny that you could prevent?"

I shake my head. "Of course not, I'd die for her if I had to."

Draco nods. "Exactly."

I keep trying to reassure him that everything will be fine and it will all work out, incidents like this happen all the time in quidditch matches at Hogwarts, there has to be a simple cure.

"But it's my fault for convincing her to play. She didn't even want to." He covers his face with his hands. I object. "You didn't know that was going to happen! You were just trying to share something you love with her."

Draco leans forward and pats me on the arm. "You're the best brother anyone could possibly have, you know." He says. I smile at him. "If you and Ginny don't get married, I might just marry you."

I laugh and so does he. "That's borderline incest and also I'm just not into you like that, sorry mate. But I appreciate it." I grin.

Draco rolls his eyes. "You know I'm only joking," He sighs. "If anything, I would be rejecting you."

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