Chapter II: Mischief Managed

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A/N: Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying my story! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, it should be more often now! I'm not sure how long I'll continue doing everyone's POV per chapter but we'll see how it goes. :)

~Blaise POV~

We arrive at Hogwarts and are soon feasting in the Great Hall. McGonagall makes a long speech about house unity now that the war is over and then dismisses everyone to bed. I get up and am about to leave when Draco says "Blaise, McGonagall said I have to speak to her after the feast because I'm Head Boy, you know. Can you come with me?"

I don't mind so agree and we set off towards her office. We're surprised to see Granger and Weaslette there. "What are you doing here?" Granger and Draco ask at the same time. "Waiting for McGonagall." Me and Weaslette answer in unison. We all look at each other for a second then laugh.

Then, McGonagall arrives, walking briskly. "Ah, good. You've arrived and brought along a friend. Well that should make life easier." McGonagall says. We all go into her office and sit down. 

"Granger, Malfoy. As Head Boy and Girl you will be sleeping in the Astronomy Tower, in the Dormitory concealed in the staircase. And you can have one friend each to live with you. I'm assuming you'll choose Miss Weasley and Mr Zabini?" She asks. I look at Draco who nods at McGonagall along with Granger. "Right that's settled. Look at the bottom of the staircase in the Astronomy Tower for the portrait of four boys. The password is 'Mischief Managed'. Granger and Weasley you will understand." I glance at Draco who frowns at me then shrugs. "Now off to bed, goodnight." McGonagall says, ushering us out of her office.

~Ginny POV~

Me, Hermione, Malfoy and Zabini leave McGonagall's office and then look at each other awkwardly. "Well this is gonna be fun." Malfoy says with a smirk. Hermione rolls her eyes and me and Zabini glance at each other. I don't think I'm the only one who's placed bets on Dramione in the past. We all head towards the Astronomy Tower and find the portrait after a minute or two.

It's of four former Hogwarts students, one with messy black hair and glasses, one with long dark hair and a handsome face, one with mousy hair and watery blue eyes and one with scars all over his face and an anxious expression. Me and Hermione look at it then both get emotional. 

"Mischief managed." Malfoy says, oblivious to our current thoughts and feelings. We all walk into a massive room with a high ceiling and a big fireplace with a roaring fire. There is a red velvet sofa and a green velvet sofa and two staircases leading into two hallways. One is red and the other green. "Well I'm pretty sure it's obvious we're in the green," I joke. Malfoy looks at me and tuts. "Night Granger, night Weaslette," He says, winking at us each in turn. "Come on Blaise," Malfoy mutters as he drags Zabini up the stairs with him. Zabini winks at me then follows.
"Let's go find our rooms," Hermione says and we make our way up the other staircase.
When we get to the top we come to a small hallway with four doors. Hermione opens the first one and squeals in delight. "What is it?" I ask.

"We have our own private library!" Hermione exclaims, already pulling out a book and starting to read.

"Aren't you gonna see the other rooms?" I ask her.

"In a minute." She replies, implying that I won't see her for at least an hour.

I open the next door and find a cosy looking bedroom with a king sized four poster bed and a red velvet arm chair. There is also a small fireplace with flames dancing merrily in it and a white fluffy rug on the wood panelled floor. Crookshanks is lounging on the rug in front of the fire and I suddenly spot Hermione's trunk in the corner so realise this must be her room.

Next to her room is a big window and although it's dark I can see the Black Lake and the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

The room opposite Hermione's turns out to be mine, with a very similar design except for the fact that my rug is black and Arnold the Pygmy Puff is bouncing around on my bed, squeaking. As soon as I walk in he sees me and starts leaping towards me on his tiny little feet, nearly falling off the edge of the bed where I luckily catch him just in time and pick him up. "I know, I missed you too!" I say, stroking him. He purrs rather like a cat and I put him down and go to explore the last room.

As I walk into the last room, opposite the library, someone screams. It's Malfoy.

~Draco POV~
(A minute previously)

I open the door to my bedroom to find Blaise lounging on the bed. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Chilling. Hey, wanna prank the girls?" He asks with a sinister smirk. 

"Ok," I reply, "What do you want to do?"

Blaise grins then says "Pretend I'm dead."

He lies down on the bed and I scream, pretending to have just found him like this. Granger and Weaslette immediately come running and I hold back the desirable urge to laugh.

"What is it?" Granger asks, bursting into the room, breathing heavily.

"I just found him like this! He's not breathing!" I exclaim, trying to look alarmed and terrified.

Weaslette squints at Blaise and then frowns. "Hang on," she says. "I swear he just twitched his nose."

Weaslette climbs onto the bed and starts to tickle Blaise who suddenly sits up and everyone laughs. Blaise tickles her back and they start rolling around laughing. I glance at Granger who smiles knowingly at me whilst still watching the two wrestling.

After that we all decide to go to bed so Granger saunters out with a quick smile at me and Weaslette runs after her, still giggling and looks back at Blaise just before she exits where he grins and winks at her before she disappears in a flash of auburn.

I look over at Blaise. He's still staring at the spot where Weaslette was standing a second ago. I watch him whilst he's unaware of my gaze until he looks up at me. I raise my eyebrows. "You like her, don't you." I state.

Blaise sighs. "Maybe a tiny bit. But she has a boyfriend, Saint Potter." He replies.
"Hmm I think you should ask Cho Chang about that..." I say. Blaise frowns.

"Why?" He asks.

I smile mischievously. "Nothing," I reply, with a fake smile. Then my thoughts turn to Granger and it becomes a real smile. She's actually being quite nice to me considering our history. Oh well there's lots of time to improve that, a whole year of living together. This is going to be a great year...

~Hermione POV~

Me and Ginny walk back to our bedrooms. I smile at the thought of Ginny and Zabini and then my thoughts wonder over to Malfoy. He definitely did something with his hair over summer and it's so damn cute! Plus he smells like apples... 'No Hermione! You haven't even dumped Ron yet, get a grip!'

I go into the bathroom to clean my teeth and see Ginny brushing her hair in front of the mirror. I smile. 

"Gin?" I ask her.

"Yeah?" She replies, tying her hair up into a topknot.

"Do you like Blaise?" I ask, trying not to sound hypocritical.

"Hermione I have a boyfriend." She replies, raising her eyebrows at me.

I shrug. "Just a thought, never mind. Night." I say as she opens the door to leave the bathroom.
"Night." She replies, slipping out of the room.

I brush my teeth and hair then go into my room and get into my pyjamas. As I climb into bed, Crookshanks jumps onto my stomach and we both soon fall asleep. I wonder if the blond ferret in my dream really is what- or should I say who- I think it is...

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