Chapter XXIV: Untouchable

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~Draco POV~

I open my eyes slowly, instantly shutting them again when a bright light penetrates my vision.

"Draco?" The distantly familiar voice of someone I haven't heard speak in a very long time causes my eyes to flutter open once more. They stay open as I see the face of none other than Albus Dumbledore, peering benignly down at me.

"Where am I?" I question, looking around. We're in a vast room that reminds me of King's Cross Station, although lacking in trains and people. There's one other figure nearby, facing away from us. "We're inside your head, of course." Dumbledore replies, as if this is the most normal thing in the world.

"Who's that?" I enquire, pointing at the figure. As I do, it turns around and I gasp. "He can't harm you here. You're untouchable. Not that he really tries anymore." Dumbledore mumbles in my ear as the third person approaches.

"Draco." His high, cold voice greets me with a mixture of surprise and disdain. I don't acknowledge him.

"Go away Tom, we're trying to have a conversation." Dumbledore rolls his eyes.

Voldemort doesn't take his eyes off me as he replies. "No. I want to join in. You always make me leave and it's not fair!"

I snort. He sounds like a whining little child.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask more urgently.

"Well, you see," Dumbledore starts, sitting down on the edge of the bench that I'm lying on. Voldemort goes to do the same but stops after catching sight of the glares we're giving him. Holding his hands up in the air, he raises the space where I assume his eyebrows should be, miming innocence. "What, so even though we're both dead and in this boy's dream we can't set our differences aside? Okay, your decision not mine. It is what it is."

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to keep a straight face with this contrasting version of the Dark Lord. It's the biggest clue that what I'm experiencing isn't real.

"As I was saying," Dumbledore continues, disregarding what has just been said. "You're the second person to potentially survive the killing curse. As Grindle cursed you, your father cast a shield charm, made stronger by his love for you and his fear of losing you."

"Yes, yes. Love blah blah blah. Heard it all before." Voldemort remarks, looking disinterestedly down at his nails.

"So am I dead?" I ask, frowning as I try to wrap my head around what's going on.

"You're in a state between life and death. Where you go next is up to you." Dumbledore seems like he's had this conversation before and pays no heed to my astonishment.

"So I can go back?" I exclaim, not daring myself to get my hopes up. He nods.

"I want to go back. Now."

"Okay." Dumbledore replies, blue eyes twinkling. He watches me expectantly as I stand up.

"Um, how do I do that?" I ask.

"Ah, yes. You see there," he says, gesturing to my left, where a path of light is leading into the distance, "You want to follow that path. Don't go the other way and once you start walking don't look back." I look to the right and see a much brighter light, so brilliant I can hardly look at it.

"One last thing. Sorry for trying to kill you." I look down at my feet and Dumbledore smiles simply. "You were forgiven long ago, dear boy. Now go back to your loved ones."

I nod at him and catch eyes with Voldemort, who gives me a grimace which I interpret as a smile. I incline my head to him ever so slightly and then take a deep breath. Putting a foot on the path, I start walking, making sure not to look back like I was instructed. I'm suddenly transported away and plunged into darkness. I'm lying down again. There are quiet voices murmuring around me. Unsure of what I'm going to see once I wake up, I open my eyes.

A/N: Okay I enjoyed writing Voldemort's character way too much in this aha. Clearly I can only write about death without making it funny for one chapter... oh well. Let me know your thoughts!! These two chapters were short because that was the effect I was going for but not to worry, the long chapters will back now!

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