Chapter XX: It's You

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A/N: This is my favourite chapter so far, I hope you guys like it as much as I do!!

~Blaise POV~

"Happy Valentine's Day!" I exclaim as Ginny walks down the staircase. She smiles as I pick her up, spinning her around until we're both slightly dizzy.

"You too." she replies, grinning at me.

"I have the best surprise for you ever," I tell her, taking her hand as we walk down to breakfast. "But it will have to wait until after lessons." Hermione and Draco have already gone and when we get to the Great Hall, we sit at the Gryffindor table by ourselves, to avoid rubbing our relationship in their faces. Hermione took the potion last week but it didn't work. We're fairly certain that she's had a memory charm cast on her but nobody seems to know how to break it.

When everyone is halfway through eating, McGonagall asks for silence. This rarely happens at breakfast so we all listen in eagerly.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you all. In light of this celebration, a Valentine's Ball will take place in the Great Hall tonight at seven o'clock promptly. This is an opportunity to spend time with friends and loved ones in a responsible way. Prefects and Heads are excused from afternoon lessons to help prepare. That'll be all. Thank you."

"I guess our plans will have to be put on hold," I say with a sigh. Ginny, on the other hand, gets a mischievous gleam in her eye.

"What lessons do we have today?" She asks.

"Double potions, astronomy, herbology, transfiguration and charms." I reply, ticking each one off my fingers as I say them.

Ginny thinks for a moment then starts to say something before going quiet. I see why. Hermione and Draco have come to join us.

"Coming to potions?" Hermione asks. We nod and stand up, making our way out of the Great Hall and down the corridor towards the dungeons. Fittingly, we're studying Amortentia today. Slughorn has a big cauldron full of it which he's keeping a close eye on, seeing as most of the girls and even some of the guys in the class are edging slowly nearer to it.

By the time we're eating lunch in the Great Hall, I can't wait for lessons to end. Draco makes a point of boasting about not having any more lessons just to annoy me. It's working.

When we finish eating and are on our way to herbology, Ginny pulls me into a secluded part of the corridor. I expect her to kiss me but instead she leans up to whisper in my ear.

"Let's skip the rest of classes for our date." She's grinning impishly. It's infectious and makes me grin too.

"Okay." I reply, taking her hand. "You might want to wear something a little different though."

We rush back to the Astronomy Tower to get changed and then I lead her to the secret passageway to Hogsmeade. When we get into the village, I collect a package from the post office, unwrapping it as Ginny watches, wondering what's going on. Inside the package is a squashed bottle. I tell Ginny to hold onto it and we're both instantly transported away from Hogsmeade. After the strange feeling of the portkey has worn off, I watch Ginny as she looks around, eyes wide.

"Where are we?" She enquires.

"Cefalù, Sicily. I used to come here every summer when I was little." I reply.

"It's beautiful." Ginny remarks, looking around.

We're in a small cove with nobody else in sight. It's always been very quiet here. Ancient buildings line the edge of the land, before the water takes over. It's bright blue and clearer than daylight, with sunlight dazzling on the waves. There's a bench surrounded by flowers, overlooking the view. We walk towards it and I tell Ginny to wait there while I dash into one of the small bakeries and buy a selection of pastries and cakes for us. It's the same bakery I've been to many times over the years and the owner, Donte, recognises me instantly.

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