Chapter III: First Name Basis

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A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for the comments and votes, they mean a lot! Am trying to update more regularly. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! :)

~Blaise POV~

I wake up to the bright sunlight streaming in through my window. A house elf has put my robes by the fire so they're nice and warm as I put them on. I then wander into the bathroom and brush my teeth. As I walk out, I bump into Draco, who has dark circles under his eyes and looks happy yet distressed at the same time.

"What happened to you, Drakey?" I ask, smirking at my Pansy Parkinson imitation. "Nothing." Mumbles Draco, pushing past me into the bathroom. I shrug and walk down the stairs into the living room. I think nobody else is down but I see Weaslette sitting by the fire, staring into it in contemplation. I sit down next to her and she glances at me. I'm alarmed to see that she's been crying. My instincts are telling me to cuddle her but I don't know how either of us would feel about that and it's making my stomach feel weird just thinking about it. Instead I sigh and ask "Who was it?" She sniffs and looks at me for a second in surprise. "Cho Chang."

My eyes widen as I remember what Draco said yesterday. I feel bad for her because everyone knows how long she liked him for and they were cute together but a small part of me very deep down is happy and excited. I dismiss this and turn to her. "When did you find out?" She glares at the floor and replies "Last night." Then she focuses her soft brown eyes on the flames dancing around again, apparently lost in her thoughts. I pull her close to me and she begins to cry again.

~Ginny POV~
{Flashback to 11pm the previous night}

I say goodnight to Hermione and then pretend to go to my room. As soon as I hear her close her door I creep down the stairs and open the portrait hole.

"Sneaking out to meet Harry are we Gin?" Asks the Sirius in the frame, flashing me a dazzling smile. "Oh leave her alone, Sirius!" Says Remus, smiling at Sirius and putting an arm around him. James grins and says "Shut up, lovebirds!" Remus and Sirius both blush and I grin. Peter's just watching them all, smiling. "Shhhh," I say, and then walk down the corridor.

I'm going to the Gryffindor common room to talk to Ron about Lavender and what an arse he's been being. Hermione would never want me to do it which is why I'm doing it now without her knowing.

As I hurry behind a tapestry of Gollum the Glum to avoid Peeves, I bump into two people snogging. I can't see who they are but I mutter "Lumos!" And hold the wand light up to their faces. This is going to be funny.

I gasp, my heart shattering to pieces as I stare into the alarmed faces of Cho Chang and my very own Harry Potter. I keel over and back out of the passageway, tears glistening in my eyes. I don't even stop them from spilling out. "I trusted you Harry James Potter!" I spit. "I loved you! How could you? And Cho, I thought we were friends!" I bite back stronger words and storm away, ignoring Harry and Cho's startled explanations.

I arrive back at the portrait and whisper "Mischief Managed." The Marauders take one look at my face and all immediately start asking me questions. I ignore them and walk into the living room. I go to sit down but am startled to find Malfoy and Hermione cuddled up together on it, both asleep, Hermione's head on Malfoy's muscular chest.

I laugh despite my tears and they both wake with a start.

Hermione looks startled then immediately concerned when she sees my face. "What happened to you?" Hermione, Malfoy and I all ask each other at the same time. We smile and I explain what happened. "I thought they were a thing." Says Malfoy solemnly after I finish. I stare at him. "How'd you know, Malfoy?" I ask.

"Call me Draco. And believe me I just know these sorts of things."

I nod and look at the two of them together. Hermione notices my stare and awkwardly glances at Draco. "It's nothing." She says and then pulls me into a tight hug and turns to leave. "Goodnight." She says. "Goodnight Mione, goodnight Weaslette." Draco says, starting to climb up the opposite staircase. "Call me Ginny." I say, smiling. He returns it and then they both go upstairs. I collapse onto the sofa and start to sob again, trying my hardest to be quiet as I want to be alone.

~Draco POV~
{In the morning}

I walk down the staircase into the living room to see Blaise and Ginny sitting together on the sofa. Blaise has his arm around Ginny and she has her head on his chest. She's crying and after what she told me and Mione last night I'm not surprised. I feel so sad for her, she and Potter made a great couple but now it looks like Blaise might have a chance...

Hermione suddenly appears next to me and leans over to whisper in my ear. I inhale her sweet scent and her soft breath tickles me as she says quietly "I really think they're going to become a thing, you know." I smirk and look at her. She's grinning and her big hazel eyes are shining.
I love her. Just then Ginny looks up and sees us standing there staring at them. She blushes and says "Thank you Blaise." 

He smiles at her and we make our way out of the portrait hole and down to breakfast. The men in the picture are all arguing about 'cheating' and I wonder if it has anything to do with Ginny and Harry but then again they might just be talking about Quidditch...

My thoughts wonder back to last night and by the look on her face, Hermione is thinking about it too.

~Hermione POV~

I walk downstairs and see Ginny and Blaise cuddled up on the sofa. They remind me of me and Draco last night. I whisper something to Draco who is standing next to me and then I smile awkwardly and think back to the events of last night...

{Flashback to 12am the night just gone}

I lie in my bed with Crookshanks stretched out across my lap and continue reading 'Of Merlaps and Men'. There are so many interesting books in that library. I finish a chapter and put the book down on my bedside table.

Then I start thinking. About Ron. About Lavender. Ouch. I thought Ron was the one for me but lately we haven't even spoken and to be honest, even Malfoy has been nicer to me than my own boyfriend! I can't sleep so I decide to go downstairs and sit by the fire.

As I stare into the flames, tears falling, a figure comes and sits down next to me. They put a comforting arm around me so I expect it to be Ginny. But then I breath in the familiar scent of green apples and spearmint toothpaste and look up to see Malfoy, frowning at me in concern. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" I ask, unsure whether to be angry or appreciative. "Call me Draco. We need to be on a first name basis if we're going to live together for a year." He says. "Okay." I reply, smiling slightly.

Draco pulls me towards him and asks what's wrong. I explain all about Ron and Lavender and Draco swears under his breath.

"Seems a bit thick to ditch you for Brown," Says Draco. I sigh. "What are you going to do?" I think for a moment.

"Dump him then be lonely I guess." I reply.

"Hmm, I doubt it with a face as pretty as yours," says Draco, blushing in the firelight. I blush too.
"Do you like anyone else?" He asks. I think for a moment, my heart beating faster by the second.
"Yes," I reply. "But they're well out of my league and hated me until today." Draco inhales sharply and then cups my head in his long fingers.

"I love you Draco Malfoy." I say without regret or hesitation.

"I always have." Replies Draco. We cuddle on the sofa until we fall asleep.

Shortly afterwards, we're awoken by Ginny, who's laughing and crying. Me and Draco pull away from each other, embarrassed and we ask Ginny what's wrong. She explains everything and I have never been so shocked and disappointed in Harry, who's always been so decent, as I am right now. I give Ginny a hug and then say goodnight to her and Draco before climbing the stairs to bed. My stomach is full of butterflies as I think about Draco before I eventually fall asleep...

{Back to the morning}

I ponder how I'm going to break up with Ron all the way down to the Great Hall. I could publicly humiliate him or I could just be quiet and civilised. He deserves the whole school to know what he did and therefore hopefully nobody else will ever make the mistake of dating him. All of a sudden, a plan forms in my head...

A/N: Thank you for reading! Will try to update sooner but obviously each chapter takes a little while. How do you think Hermione is going to break up with Ron? All will be revealed...
Ily all :)

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