Chapter XIX: He's Mine

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~Blaise POV~

Valentine's Day is drawing nearer and despite still being a few weeks away, everyone seems to be either eagerly awaiting it or dreading the day. I need to do something special for Ginny but I can't think of the perfect thing. I would usually ask Draco for ideas but in his current situation I'm not sure that's a good idea, although him and Hermione do seem to be getting closer again. I need to ask one of them what's going on there.

It's still two weeks until the potion will be ready and Hermione doesn't seem to know what she wants to do when it is.

I yawn as I sit at the Ravenclaw table, eating breakfast with the others. I've never been great at doing my homework on time, but after being threatened with a month of detentions from Flitwick, I stayed up until almost dawn writing essay after essay. Luna offers me a tonic for sleep deprivation which I gratefully accept. Hermione reaches her arm out to stop me taking a swig.

"So you just accept potions from everyone?" She enquires sternly.

I protest. "Have you gone crazy? This is from Luna! She's our friend!"

I glance at Luna to see if she's hurt by Hermione's reaction, but she seems to be almost amused. I twist away from her and down the vial of amber liquid, instantly perking up. Hermione shakes her head disapprovingly and I wonder what's gotten into her.

After lessons, which drag by painfully slowly, I'm attempting to catch up on some more homework in the library when a sixth year Gryffindor sits down at my table. I look up from my parchment. I've seen this girl before. She has cropped dark hair and strikingly pale skin, and often sits near us when we're at the Gryffindor table, although I've never spoken to her before.

I raise my eyebrows at her. "Can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you could help me with a charms question?" She asks, tentatively. I find this slightly odd as we're in a library full of books that have much more information than I do, but I agree to have a look, warning her I'm not the best person to ask.

After telling her the answer, unsure of how correct it is, I expect her to leave. However, she stays sitting down and carries on writing. We work in silence for a little while until she pulls a Honeydukes chocolate bar out of her schoolbag and offers me some. At first I refuse, but when she insists, I take some, devouring it quickly. As I do this, she puts her work into her bag and stands up, before sashaying out of the library. I hear her say that she'll see me later, giggling slightly and I frown, swallowing the rest of my chocolate.

Then, as I finish my third essay, I put my stuff away and go down to dinner, having the strongest urge to find the girl again. I don't even know her name, how could I not know?

My eyes scan the Gryffindor table and I spot her, sitting opposite a blonde haired girl, who mutters something as she notices me approaching them. The Gryffindor Quidditch team is sitting not too far away, and a couple of them wave me over but I'm oblivious to their clamours. All my focus is on the dark haired girl.

I slide onto the bench next to her, draping my arm lightly around her. The blonde eyes us both and leaves quickly with a smirk on her face. "See you later Emily." She says.

So her name was Emily.

"Hey, Emily." I say, staring at her stunning features.

"Hello, Blaise. I knew I'd be seeing you again soon." She utters a melodious laugh and then glances worriedly behind me. I turn around to see Ginny Weasley storming over.

"Quick," Emily mumbles, taking my hand. We stand up and race out of the Great Hall. Emily leads me to the grounds and we hide behind a tall stone pillar. Ginny Weasley looks around and then stomps back inside the castle, looking increasingly flustered. Something about her facial expression is very amusing to me and as I lock eyes with Emily, we both burst out laughing. Emily leans up to kiss me and I cup her face in my hands as I do. All I can think about is her.

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