Chapter XI: Christmas Day

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A/N: Hey! I'm so sorry this chapter is coming so late! I haven't updated in foreverrrr but hopefully that's going to change soon! This book has grown so much whilst I've been gone thank you so much for all your support❤️

~Blaise POV~

"Happy Christmas Master Blaise!" Exclaims the house elf hovering by my door.

I mumble and rub my eyes. "Huh? Oh yeah cool." I say, closing my eyes and drifting off again. Something slaps my face and my eyes snap open.

It's Draco in his green silk pyjamas. He chucks me a box and it lands on my chest. I pick it up and shake it. "Ugh not another book!" I moan, grinning.

"You'll like this one." Replies Draco, smirking.

I tear off the thick paper and read the title; "Twelve Failsafe Ways to Charm Witches". I roll my eyes.

"I don't need this! I'm very charming!" I protest, wiggling my eyebrows.

"I give Draco his gift, Ironic Love, which he laughs at and then chucks at my head.

We go downstairs for breakfast and open some more presents sitting under one of the larger Christmas trees in the Dining Room.

Ginny's gift to me is an enchanted snow globe with two figures inside playing in the snow, who look rather familiar. It's automatically my favourite gift. I also get a small bottle of 'Wrackspurt Powder' from Luna, a snake earring from Theo with a note saying 'Thanks for helping me and Luna get together- I owe you one.' And to my utmost delight: A Pygmy Puff from Hermione. Okay this is my favourite present actually. Her little feet reach out and grab my fingers. "DRACO, SHE'S SO CUTE!" I yell at my blonde best friend who is daintily unpicking the wrappings off one of his many expensive gifts from his family. 

"Who, Ginny?" He asks absentmindedly, not looking up.

"No, look!" I exclaim, holding up the pink fluffball.

"Aww," he says, grinning at me. "What are you gonna call her?"

I think for a second. "McGonagall."

Draco laughs.

"What did the guys get you?" I ask.

"Hermione got me a book of course, Ginny got me the same thing I got her- The latest Quidditch Box, Wrackspurt Powder from Luna -whatever that is- and a miniature dragon figure from Theo that actually moves. Pretty good haul this year if you ask me."

Narcissa joins us and we both say Merry Christmas to her. She opens her gifts, shedding tears when she reaches mine.

"I love it, Blaise!" She cries, reaching over to hug me, before a house elf runs over to attach the necklace around her slender neck.

We eat our especially fancy Christmas breakfast and look at all of our presents in detail. Me and Draco go out to play some Quidditch in the snowy back garden. My mind wanders to Ginny. I can't wait to give her Christmas present to her. New Years Eve can't come fast enough! I contemplate what her and Hermione are doing now with all their family and don't even notice Draco shoot the quaffle right past me into the left hoop. I've never experienced such a feeling for someone that being away from them even for a day is agonising, but then again I've never met someone like Ginny.

Narcissa calls us in for lunch and we eagerly hurry inside, out of the cold, our broomsticks resting on our shoulders. Draco goes upstairs to get changed and I follow, inhaling the delicious scent of roast turkey like it's a highly addictive drug.

~Ginny POV~

I wake abruptly as I feel something land on my bed. I look at it and see it's a gift from Hermione. Then it hits me... it's Christmas Day!

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