Chapter XXX: I Do

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A/N: This is a special chapter so I've written pretty much the whole day from Blaise and Ginny's POVs because it's their special day and Draco and Hermione's POVs come in later on. Hopefully it's clear once you read. Enjoy!

~Blaise POV~

This is the day. I wake up with a swarm of butterflies in my stomach, knowing that this time tomorrow, i'm going to be beside my wife. It's still impossible to comprehend. I glance around my room at Malfoy Manor. I've grown quite accustomed to it's grandeur but it's not my home after today. So much is changing and I'm struggling to understand it all but that's just part of growing up I guess.

I go downstairs to the kitchen, still in my pyjamas, and find that everyone else is already up.

"About time," Draco smirks, eyeing my attire and arching his brow. I ignore him and pick up a piece of toast, staring at the buttery sheen on it, unappeased. I'm too nervous to stomach food at the moment, and that does not happen often. I set the toast back on its plate and rub my eyes.

"Blaise, Draco," Narcissa calls, poking her head round the doorframe. "Good morning dears. Shower and get ready. We leave in an hour."

I turn around and retrace my previous steps back to my room, peeling my pyjamas off my slightly damp skin and turning the shower on. After my thorough cleansing, I dry off and get into my new dress robes, complete with a crisp white shirt and silver waistcoat. I go down to Draco's room and find him fiddling with his silver bow tie. Our outfits are almost identical, but in a stylish way as opposed to a weird way.

"Looking good." I sneer as Draco starts applying gel to his hair. "We don't have much time, you know. You're not exactly quick at styling those sought-after blonde locks." I tease, poking his hair. He swats me away, staring intently in the mirror.

"Nervous?" He asks after a moment of silence.

I shrug. "More excited." I reply, fiddling with the hem of my robes. Narcissa calls up the stairs that it's time to go and I inhale shakily. Draco laces up his shoes and motions for us to walk down the stairs, which we do.

"My handsome boys." Narcissa fonds, patting our shoulders with a warm smile. I lean down and kiss her cheek before we walk out of the door, disapparating one after the other. As we appear in front of the Burrow, we find a small cluster of people, guests who have arrived early. They smile and say hello pleasantly and I shake their hands, introducing myself and the others. Then Mrs Weasley bustles out into the garden, her eyes lighting up when she sees us.

After a bone crushing hug, she ushers us into the kitchen. Mr Weasley, Harry, Ron, George, Percy, Ginny's two oldest brothers whose names I don't recall and Hagrid are all squeezed around the wooden table, drinking cups of tea. I shake each of their hands in turn and the two brothers introduce themselves as Bill and Charlie. Mrs Weasley hands me a mug of tea and I take a seat, answering to the clamours and questions being thrown at me in all directions.

After a few minutes, Mrs Weasley glances at her clock and announces that we can start to trafficking guests over to Cefalù. As we go back outside, we find a large crowd of guests waiting. After handing out portkeys and watching almost everyone disappear, I pick up an empty pumpkin juice bottle and Draco grips the other end of it. We lock eyes before the familiar gut wrenching feeling takes over and we're transported to the clifftop. Golden seats are lined up in rows, facing an arch of white roses overlooking the stunning turquoise water. Me and Draco go and stand at the top of the aisle, by the arch and watch the guests take their seats.

After a few minutes, some lilting music starts up and the chattering ceases. I look up and see Ginny gliding angelically towards me. My jaw drops and she smiles as she gets closer. Once she reaches me, she kisses her dad and then entwines her hand with mine. The guests take their seats and the service begins. For the first few minutes, a spokeswizard drones on about the ideals of matrimony and I find my eyes grow heavy. Ginny nudges me out of my stupor and I realise it's time for our wedding vows. I skim through my notes before disregarding them, announcing that I'll be 'winging it'. As I start to speak, it gets easier and easier. Looking into Ginny's eyes just seem to help the words flow without hesitation. When I'm done, I smile as I watch Ginny's eyes glaze over slightly. Then it's her turn.

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