Chapter 7: Plans in Action

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*Y/n POV*

It was midnight on the day after I killed the five girls in an alley. I was a little careless, and some evidence had come up from the scene.

I was dealing with the evidence, keeping it from doing too much damage.

I was also getting ready to make a big move.

Me and Jack were going over the plan, and coming up with back up plans in case it went wrong.

The plan was simple enough, get Aria to help me as Jack the Ripper. We thought we had her on the hook enough that we wouldn't lose her if we told her our secret.

As we finished our talks, Jack disappeared. I pulled out my phone and called Aria.

"Hello?" I heard as the ringing stopped.

"Hey Aria," I replied, "It's Y/n."

"Oh hey Y/n, what's up?"

"I need to speak to you. Can you come to my apartment as soon as possible?"

"Uhh," She sounded nervous, "Sure. I'll be there in a few hours."

"Thanks Aria."

I hung up and looked over the city. This was it. All or nothing. If she accepted, I could be Jack the Ripper forever. If she doesn't, I could be six feet under by tomorrow morning.


I stood in the living room as I heard a knock at the door. I knew it was Aria. I walked over and opened the door, trying to keep my cool.

"Hey Aria," I greeted, "Come on in."

She came in and I lead her to the living room.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" She asked.

"Why don't you sit down?" I said.

She sat on the couch and I stood across the coffee table from her.

"What I'm about to tell you is going to be...shocking."

She looked scared, "What is it?"

I took in a deep breath.

*Third Person POV*

"I am Jack the Ripper."

She gasped, and Y/n let out my breath.

"Like I said, shocking."

"B-but how?" She asked.

"My dust clones." He explained, "One of them is...different."

"How so?"

Jack appeared out of dust, "I can act on my own. I still have to listen to Y/n though."

She was shocked as he appeared. "So you're Jack, I suppose?"

Jack replied, "Yep, that's right."

Y/n decided to explain, "Let me explain. Jack the Ripper is my ancestor. He was a...decent, man. He had a job, family, and a love. But he also hated everything. He wanted to fix everything, so he decided to start killing those he deemed 'dirty'."

He sighed and continued, "In a way, you could say he was the only one willing to do what needed to be done. As his decedent, I have decided that I will be the one to continue what he did, and I will clean this world."

Y/n looked her in the eyes, "Do you understand?"

She looked me right back. She was clearly thinking and said, "Why did you nearly kill my mother?"

Y/n took a deep breath and Jack explained, "She was never in any real danger. We never would've done that. She's one of very few clean ones in this world."

She looked down, conflicted.

"So, Aria..." Y/n said, "I wanted to ask."

She looked up at him, "I need help. To clean this world, and to get justice in this world. So I ask you,"

He cupped her cheek and looked her in the eyes.

"Will you help me? Become another Ripper, and help me."

She went wide eyed, and he turned away. He looked out the window.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but I need the help. Please Aria, help me get justice. For me, for you, for your mother."

Aria was deep in thought, scared at the proposal.

But she had her decision, and she knew what she really wanted.


The Ripper: A Hidan no Aria x Male reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now