◀Chapter One▶

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「insecure again」

Jimin pulled up the sleeve of his knitted sweater, hissing in pain as the thick fabric came in contact with the broken skin that wrapped around his wrists, on his left it didn't look that bad, although inflamed it wasn't as bad as his right one where most of the pressure was held as it is his dominant hand that it left surface grazes.

What had happened the night prior wasn't something new, at least in the past couple of months, his boyfriend, Yoongi, had been particularly rough with his young lover, having been a bit too squirmy for his liking, he had cuffed his wrists, wrapping the chain on to the metal headboard of their shared bed and handling the omega in such a rough manner which made him shake and scream, he had made the mistake of trying to free himself from the cuffs which only caused more damage to himself.

"Jimin-ah!" Jimin hears Yoongi call from outside of the bathroom, it was so twisted at how sweet and affectionate his alpha's tone was as if nothing bad had happened, as if nothing was wrong.

Jimin quickly covered the cuts with band-aids, not wanting to further irritate them, he took one last look in the mirror and smiled at himself, washing away the gloominess he truly felt and putting up a façade. 

Dabbing some bright pink tint on his lips and cheeks to get that rosy look, unlike his usual pale and sad stricken face.

"I'm all done Hyung." Jimin says as he opens the door, he sees his alpha leaning against the walls of their hallway, he had sunglasses on, hiding the fact that he was hungover

Yoongi never quite grew past his party boy ways, something he was known for back when they were in college, and he was what people say "The life of the party", people would always look for him during parties, anticipates his arrival, he wasn't the type to fuck around but rather he just made the place more lively whenever he takes over the music.

Jimin took it upon himself to wait for him to get home from another party with his fellow producers as it was a celebration of one of their artists' comeback. 

Jimin was invited but he kindly declined as he had made plans with his friends to see a new movie. He didn't know why he believed it when Yoongi said he'd be home early because Jimin knew damn well that he was going to come home at odd hours as he does.

The omega waited up until 2 in the morning for him to come home, in case he needed help getting into bed or if he felt sick and needed to hurl his guts out but when he came home, he had been extremely aroused seemingly from the mixed pheromones in the club. 

Even though he wasn't in the mood, Jimin gives him his consent and they move to their room, he took it hard as he came to notice that Yoongi was more vigorous in his drunken state.

He let the alpha have his way with him, not wanting to cause a rift between them that could very well cause disruptions to their neighbors, he didn't want to feel the embarrassment of being visited by their land lady again and to be told that his moans can be heard 3 doors down.

"What were you doing there, baby?" Yoongi asks, wrapping Jimin's small frame in a jacket to keep him warm as well as a way to keep his pine scent on him "You look so beautiful, who are you getting dolled up for?" Yoongi asks, eyeing him from bottom to top, approaching the omega and cupping his face 

"So beautiful." when the sleeve of the jacket shuffled the sleeves covering his wrists, Yoongi sees Jimin flinch making him scrunch his brows, taking the younger's hand in his and gently pushing the sleeves up to see the Band-Aids

"Baby, I'm sorry about last night," Yoongi whispers as he buries his face on to Jimin's neck, kissing him delicately which was a big contrast from last night, from what he can see Jimin had 2 huge love bites just a few inches above his scent gland, he went further down to give that special spot a kiss

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