◀Chapter Seventeen▶

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「like there's no next time」

Jimin rubbed his eyes as he fully woke up, his night consisted of nightmares that caused him to go in and out of sleep, he yawns and stretched out his body like a feline all while still lying on the bed. 

He reached his hand out for Namjoon who he was sure that fell asleep with him but found an empty space, he grabs one of the alpha's pillows and brought it up to his nose, inhaling his minty scent.

"Joonie." He whispers as he kept smelling it, blushing when he remembered how the night had went, how needy he had been and asking for the alpha to stay with him for the night as he felt safer around him, more than he ever did with Yoongi.

He turns his body to lie down on his back, eyes scanning the room, something he forgot to do the night prior. 

Namjoon's bed was pressed to the wall, it wasn't the biggest but it fit them both perfectly, considering Jimin was a bit smaller, the desk served as both his bedside table and working space as it has his computer on it, it wasn't the biggest room nor apartment but it was cozy, he looks up and giggled at the different sorts of line friends plushies 

"Namjoonie is so soft for an intimidating-looking alpha." He says before he picks his phone from the table, it was blown up with missed calls and messages from Yoongi, the omega rolls his eyes and pressed his lips into a thin line, locking it and setting it back down, he can live without Yoongi, he didn't need Yoongi, he is a strong and independent omega who is not to be underestimated.

Another hour has passed and Jimin was still rolling around in the bed, basking in Namjoon's scent as he wraps the blanket tightly around himself, he was only startled when the door opened "Minie?" he recognizes the alpha's deep yet calming voice and he perks up 

"Joonie!" he squeals as he sat up, the covers were still wrapped around his shoulders "How'd you sleep? You kept waking up last night." Namjoon sits on the bed and Jimin just wraps his arms around him which caught Namjoon off-guard but nonetheless relaxed into his touch 

"Thank you for last night," Jimin thanked, burying his face into the crook of his neck as Namjoon rubs his back "I felt safer and at home with you." Namjoon blushes but Jimin wasn't able to capture this 

"I wanted you to be okay, and about yesterday, I'm sorry I didn't come after you when Yoongi dragged you out." Jimin pulls away, brushing up Namjoon's vibrant purple hair and he smiles warmly "It's not your fault, I didn't know he would react that way, I thought," he paused for a bit 

"I thought that we would just talk about the possible future but the moment he slammed me against the wall, I knew, I knew that talking calmly and solving the issue was out of the picture. I'm thankful for letting me stay here." Jimin said while Namjoon looks down at his stomach "He's okay, right?" Jimin nods making Namjoon smile 

"I will be here for you, every step of the way." Namjoon replies, lifting the omega's chin up to get a good look at his beauty.

"Namjoon Hyung acts like a father more than Yoongi Hyung." They turned as they hear Jihoon's voice and Jimin scrambles away from Namjoon, face flush red like a tomato "Jihoon, how'd you know I'm here?" Jimin stands up to give the younger Min a hug 

"Jaebum Hyung wanted me to check up on you, he told me that you were pregnant and he was worried as to how Hyung would react."Jihoon explains and Jimin wraps his arm around the beta's shoulders as they walk out of Namjoon's room and was met with his friends and his belongings

"W-What are you guys doing here?" Jimin felt embarrassed that he became such a burden to everyone "We're here to see how you're doing, silly." Taehyung hugs him "I will rip Yoongi's balls out." He whispered to Jimin making him scowl before laughing and pulling away 

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