◀Chapter Four▶

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「holding out」

Jimin sat in silence on the bus ride to work. Yoongi had been feeling under the weather due to his unhealthy sleeping habits as well as the stress of creating new music almost every single day has definitely made his immune system down, barely coming out of his home studio as he was too caught up in his craft that he doesn't realize a day has passed.

Jimin ends up knocking on his door with a tray of food and when Yoongi doesn't open respond he just places it on the floor with a cover, making sure that Yun doesn't get her paws on them.

The omega didn't want to cause more stress to Yoongi and he opted to take the bus to work despite his protests, only agreeing when he had thoroughly scented Jimin.

The bus took a different route rather than the streets Yoongi often drove through but it did give Jimin a chance to see more of Seoul. 

It made him think about all the places Yoongi promised to take him to when they first moved to the city as Yoongi had rarely taken him out on a date, with the alpha being too busy with his job and being overprotective over the omega that his mood would get ruined with a mere glance directed at Jimin from other people.

In his one year of living in Seoul, he had never seen the variety of restaurants and boutiques the bus had passed through.

"Jimin? Is that you?" he recognizes that smooth voice and he looked up to see Namjoon's gentle and dimpled smile.

"Joon, hello, sit here with me." He pats the empty place next to him and Namjoon took the opportunity to sit next to the omega whose cherry blossom smell was close to addicting 

"I thought your boyfriend usually drops you off every day." Namjoon comments, Jimin pulls out his earphones to be respectful and to listen to Namjoon talk "Yoongi had been feeling sick and I insist that I could take the bus." Jimin explains, Namjoon nods as he watches Jimin play with his fingers and he can sense his nervousness.

"Joon?" the older hums "I'm sorry about Yoongi's behavior towards you the other night, he's just very protective towards me whenever there are unmated alphas around." Jimin apologizes, cheeks burning red and unable to look Namjoon in the face 

"I get it, he hasn't marked you yet so he's probably scared that someone might sweep you off your feet." Namjoon states making Jimin slap his arm lightly "What?" Namjoon was chuckling at how flustered the omega is "You're a beauty, Jimin." This made Jimin redder and he covers his face with his hands 

"I'm not," his voice was muffled and Namjoon flicks his forehead "You are, I bet Yoongi tells you that every day." And with that Jimin's aura took another turn again which caused silence between them as Namjoon didn't want to pry.

"What are you listening to?" Namjoon asks to change the subject as he takes an earphone from Jimin's hands "Oh, it's one of Yoongi's songs, he asked me to listen to it since it's just the demo." Jimin says as he opens his phone to turn up the volume a bit but this gave Namjoon a chance to see his phone background.

It was of him and Yoongi, the alpha had him on his back and scrunched his face while Jimin was smiling brightly, and he had his ankles locked around Yoongi's waist while Yoongi had his hands on Jimin's thighs to support his weight. He had orange hair then while Yoongi was still sporting his mint green hair.

"So, Yoongi's in the music business as well?" Jimin nods, he felt odd around Namjoon but it was a good kind of odd, the alpha made him fluster easily "What's the title?" he asks as the sound of the piano was playing, it felt heavy and it was almost like Namjoon can feel the emotions just through the notes

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