◀Chapter Fifteen▶

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「just stay a little more like this」

In the course of all that has unfold, all Jimin can think about was protecting his child, doing his best to shield his lower abdomen for what's to come as Yoongi pins him to the wall of their apartment, the alpha's grip on his wrist was tight enough to cause bruising while his other hand was clamped on to the omega's jaw, forcing Jimin to face him as he sputters out silent cries as he desperately tries to pry himself out of the alpha's strong grip 

"How long? How fucking long Jimin?" the alpha's fist collides to the wall just beside Jimin's head, causing Jimin to cry harder and shut his eyes, not wanting to see his boyfriend like this "Look at me, Jimin." The omega shakes his head 

"I said look at me." What happened next caused Jimin to open his eyes in shock

"Y-Yoongi," he stutters, holding his stinging cheek as he taste the familiar metallic taste of blood inside his mouth and it made him snap into reality, this was the reality of their relationship, despite everything they did to change it, one little slip can trigger Yoongi to go back to his old ways.

"Whose is it?" Yoongi questions, still in over his head to realize that he's laid a hand on his boyfriend

"What the fuck Yoongi, it's fucking yours!" Jimin defends himself as he got the courage to push him away 

"You did this to me, when I had my last fucking heat and on the fucking couch!" he screams at him, unable to believe that Yoongi would accuse him of such things

"I've never laid with a different alpha, you know how much I love you." He tries to reason out, doing his best to fix the situation and calming both of them, for the sake of the pup 

"Jimin, is this why you kept bringing up the conversation of having children?" Jimin didn't have to time to answer as Yoongi turns his back on him, leaning his head on the wall and banging his fist on to it

"Christ Jimin, I am not ready! I am not ready to figure out how to be a fucking parent while I'm at the peak of my career." 

Jimin was filled to the brim, he wasn't the only one at fault in this situation, Yoongi is to blame as well "That's the only thing that's been important for you, your goddamn career!" Jimin yells, he's had enough and he was not going to let Yoongi put the blame on him 

"I don't want to go further with this anymore, I will not let your treat me like this," Jimin had pushed past him and to their bedroom, getting his hands on all the things that are essential to his daily routine

"Jimin, what are you doing?" Yoongi spoke from the threshold 

"I have been through shit with you, I supported you to the point I moved here with you. I fucking left my own family in Busan for you and I was there to support you when your family threw you out." Jimin was crying, not out of sadness but because of all the pent up anger he'd accumulated

"When was I ever your first priority? Have you ever put me first? Are you going to put your career over our child?" he was met with silence, a silence was filled with tension as Jimin waited for an answer that was never given 

"We either do this together or I walk and raise this child on my fucking own." There was no response from the alpha again and Jimin has had enough, pushing past him and onto the main door but Yoongi was quick on his feet to chase over him 

"Don't fucking come near me, you've laid a hand on me and you've wasted the last chance I gave you. Here I was thinking that you've finally changed and matured but I was wrong, dead fucking wrong." Jimin fishes out for his apartment keys 

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