◀Chapter Nineteen▶

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「it's a complete darkness」

Two months had passed, another month closer until he gets to see his little boy. Although he was in his third month, he looked as if he was in his sixth if compared to beta pregnancies. 

Not only was he getting protective over his little boy but also over Namjoon, the alpha would always laugh whenever they are out in public, whether they were on a date or just doing errands, Jimin can't seem to get his hands off Namjoon, the elder think it's cute whenever the omega gets territorial because to him it just looks adorable and not at all scary and intimidating.

It was yet another weekend, both of them didn't have work that day so they have the day to themselves, Jimin awoke to the bright rays of sunlight making their way to the room, he covers his face with his yellow blanket as he groans before reaching out for the black curtains to completely block out the sun. 

He sets the blanket aside and takes a peek at his growing stomach, some skin was peeking through as his shirt had ridden up from tossing and turning in his sleep.

"Good morning Baby, how are you doing in there?" he caressed his stomach with his small hand and he feels some discomfort "You're really pushing on my bladder, aren't you." He comments, crawling to the edge of the bed and slowly sitting up, letting out a huff and completely standing up to use the bathroom. 

However, he wasn't expecting the sight he would see when he takes off his sweatpants, he sees that they were wet and he wonders if he had peed himself in his sleep or was it slick because of his ongoing changes in hormones.

With scrunched up brows and takes off his underwear to do his business but he was halted when he sees blood, it made his heartbeat spike up in a split-second "N-Namjoon!" he calls out for his boyfriend at the top of his lungs 

"Joon! I'm bleeding!" Jimin calls out once again, trying to keep himself calm but he can't seem to push pass his frantic state as he holds on to the towel rack for support as his knees were going weak.

Namjoon's eyes shot wide open at his voice and he feels the omega's distress "Jimin! What happened?" Namjoon was rushing to the bathroom and he finds the omega, getting close to having a panic attack as he sat down on the toilet, covering himself with his large shirt and Namjoon finds his discarded pants and underwear that had blood on them

"Joonie, help." Jimin's voice cracks and Namjoon kneels in front of him, cupping his face "You're going to be okay, I promise you." Namjoon kisses him, trying to help him calm down as the more stress he will be under, more harm will be brought upon the unborn pup.

The alpha briskly helps him put on a fresh set of clothes "Everything will be okay Min, our little one is going to be okay." He assures as he ties up Jimin's shoes and helps him stand up, supporting the omega's weight until they can get to his car and get to the hospital.

"Sweetheart, please try to calm down." Namjoon caresses his cheek as Jimin laid in the hospital bed "I'm scared," Jimin replies, a lone tear slipping from the corner of his eye 

"What if-" 

"It'll be okay, I'm sure it's okay." Namjoon wipes his tear away just as a female voice came to interrupt them "Good morning, I'm Dr. Kim, what seems to be the problem?" she introduced and Namjoon stood up to bow "Good morning Doctor." Namjoon greeted "Jimin, can you tell her what happened?" Namjoon turns to the omega who nodded 

"I woke up and I had some feelings of discomfort but I thought that I just needed to relieve myself but what I saw was blood." Jimin's breath hitch as he explained

"Have you felt any more pain before? Were there any stressors? Have you eaten or drank anything that's restricted?" Jimin shakes his head at the questions, he was very careful with everything he does and eat and Namjoon always see to it that Jimin is perfectly healthy.

"I see, we'd have to proceed with a bedside ultrasound, your attending doctor, dr. min jaebum is on leave but we've contacted him about your records." She explains with a soft smile that eased up Jimin and she went out to request for the ultrasound machine as well as retrieve his records.

Namjoon felt Jimin squeeze his hand as the doctor spread the cool gel on his stomach and probed around with the transducer "Is everything okay in there?" Namjoon asks and Dr. Kim lets out a sigh of relief 

"The baby is perfectly okay Jimin, I see he's given you quite the scare but he's okay." Jimin almost cries because of the overwhelming happiness that surged through his body "Thank you, but why was he bleeding?" Namjoon asks, still holding Jimin's hand 

"Bleeding during the first few months of pregnancy is relatively common and usually is a cause of concern for the omega, you see, the normal hormone production during pregnancy can cause changes to the body that caused the bleeding and according to your records," she pauses and refers to the file in her hands 

"There haven't been any problems since your first check-up and the following check-ups, just make sure to avoid both stress and anxiety that can be quite a threat to the pup, make sure to eat healthy and avoid skipping meals, get a good amount of rest since your body is working for two and more importantly, do not overwork yourself." She instructs the couple and Namjoon thanked her once again before she congratulates them on their little bundle of joy.

"Ah, little one you gave us a scare!" Namjoon rests his hand on Jimin's bump "He sure did." Jimin sits up on the bed "It really scared me to think we'd lose our little boy." Namjoon gives his bump a kiss before giving Jimin a kiss too, one on the forehead, on his nose and lastly on his lips 

"I love you, Jimin." Namjoon spoke catching the omega off guard "You," he paused "You love me?" His eyes were filled with hope "Of course I do, ever since I saw you outside of that flower shop, I wanted to ask you out but then I found out you were dating Yoongi then and I was too chicken to even talk to you, I'm probably the only alpha who lacks confidence." Namjoon says, chuckling nervously 

"Namjoon," he looks up at Jimin, they were eye to eye "I love you too." Jimin smiles fondly at him and Namjoon kissed him but he pulls away when Jimin grunts "Was I too hard?" Namjoon's voice was laced with concern 

"No, no, our little one just kicked me." Jimin notices the change in Namjoon's expression "He did? Can I?" Namjoon timidly asks and Jimin took one of his hands, placing it on the spot where he had previously kicked 

"Little one?" Namjoon whispers and he baby kicked again "Oh!" Namjoon almost jumps in excitement "Do you like your daddy's voice?" Jimin asks and he feels another kick again "You do!" Namjoon says in between laughs "I'm so happy," Namjoon kisses Jimin again, he can't seem to get enough of him 

"I'm happy with you." He boops Jimin's nose making the latter giggle "We should think of a name for him." The alpha suggests "Maybe we should, so we can stop calling him little one." Jimin said but Namjoon shakes his head "We're never going to stop calling him our little one!"

They were quiet for a while as they thought of what to call their little boy, Jimin was thinking about a lot of names but he can't seem to pick one and the same goes for Namjoon until he hears Jimin snap his fingers 

"Got something?" he nods "Sungwoon," "Min Sungwoon has a great ring to it, since he is Yoongi's." Jimin shakes his head "Why? Don't you wanna give him his last name?" Again, Jimin shakes his head "He's going to be Kim Sungwoon."

[a/n: i got the name from ha sungwoon from hotshot/wanna one because lowkey has similarities with jimin (visual wise) and they're also friends irl and i'm probably gonna visualize their kid as sungwoon when he grows up in the fic, i was going to use woozi bc i tweeted out that he is the yoonmin love child but he's already yoongi's brother here.]


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