◀Chapter Five▶

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「so hard, we can't」

"Joon Hyung, it's your time to shine!" Jungkook hollers as he ran inside the tattoo parlor, Namjoon raises as brow as he continued printing out the designs they've made to mount up on the wall "What do you mean?" Namjoon questions while Jungkook just cups his face "About Jimin," he pants out, breathing shaggy because he had ran from his boyfriend's café all the way back to his Hyung 

"He's about to get off work and you told me that Yoongi is still sick which means he's not going to be around, so it's your time!" Namjoon can feel the tips of his ears burning up at Jungkook's encouragement "Take him to the movies, or to dinner. Sweep him off his feet Hyung!" Jungkook pushes, taking his hands away from Namjoon's face 

"I don't know-" His Dongsaeng makes him cut off his words "I'll handle the shop with Lisa and Jackson, please go Hyung, you'll regret it if you don't take the chance." Jungkook was right, however another thought crosses his mind 

"Kook, I don't want to be a home wrecker." And that's when Jungkook slaps the back of his dead, causing Jackson to gasp as he takes away the printed photos "Do you want him or not!" Jungkook cheers "Focus! Do you want to be with him or not?" Namjoon was at a loss for words "You're not going to be a homewrecker, they're not even married," he softens his tone as he gestures towards Lisa to retrieve Namjoon's jacket 

"You're just going to show him how different it is when he's not with Yoongi, show him what he's missing out on." Lisa helps Namjoon put on his jacket "You can do this Hyung, sweep him off his feet." Jungkook pats his shoulders making the Alpha puff out his chest confidently like a bird

"Okay, I can do this, Lisa, Jackson, I trust both of you two until the place closes." The two nods while Jungkook lets out a whine in the background as his Hyung didn't out him in-charge.

Namjoon walks across the street with his hands inside the pockets of his jacket, through the glass he could see Jimin talking to Seokjin, it had been two days since he stumbled upon the two with Jimin crying in his Hyung's chest. He knocked on the locked glass door causing them to turn their heads but nonetheless they smiled at the alpha while Namjoon waves and Jimin opens the door for him.

"We're closed Joonie." Jimin says, Namjoon had grown to love the nickname the younger had given to him "I know but I wanted to look at flowers for some inspiration and perhaps get one for someone." He trails off as he eyes the variety of colors that surrounded the store 

"Anything specific?" Jimin asks leading him to the fresh ones that had just come in "Give me something that can mean beauty and a single one can do." Jimin nodded at his request and he approaches the Amaryllis and cut the stem and handing it to Namjoon whose fingers softly grazed the red and white petals.

"From what I've read, this flower symbolizes splendid beauty, worth beyond beauty." Jimin adds, putting away his garden sears and wiping his hands with his handkerchief "How much for this?" Namjoon looks for his wallet but Jimin stops him "No charge Hyung because I don't wanna open the register again."

Namjoon left the warmth of the store, he had contemplated a bit as he holds the single flower in his hand, he wanted to go back in and just ask Jimin out right away but his was nervous and he sat on the bench just in front of the store, twirling the flower in his hands.

"Hyung, all set?" Jimin asks Seokjin as he walks out the ajar door "Yes Jimin, let's go, I'm getting hungry." Seokjin rubs his tummy after putting on his jean jacket.

"Jimin-ah!" the omega jumps as he didn't really notice that Namjoon was still in close proximity to the store with the flower held so delicately in his big hands 

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