◀Chapter Twenty▶

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「say it like you mean it」

Jimin groans, putting down his bowl of fruits on the coffee table and making his way to their room to change his shirt as it was wet from washing the fruits, he was extremely tired because Sungwoon was getting bigger as he approaches his due date and it made him feel sore every time he kicks or when Jimin feels him move, constantly draining his energy but he wasn't one to complain as it was a sign his pup was growing.

The knocking got louder and more rapid and he figured that Namjoon must have forgotten his keys or misplaced it as always 

"Joon, hold on, I'm coming!" Jimin calls out, slipping on one of the alpha's sweaters, he was ready to tease him about how he always loses his things and he was ready to see his dimpled boyfriend after a long day of him being away because of work

"Joo- Yoongi?" his positive demeanor changed into fear but territorial at the same time as Yoongi leans on the threshold of the door, his usual scent being masked by the smell of alcohol and nicotine.

"Jiminie," he uses the omega's nickname, lifting his head up and letting Jimin see his blood-shot eyes "Jiminie, let's go home." Yoongi grabs on to his arm "Yoongi, let me go, please, go home," Jimin tries to pry off his hand, preparing to slam the door on his face but the alpha was stubborn as ever 

"You don't get it, do you? I don't want to be with you anymore, is it that hard to get through your stick skull?" Jimin's voice was firm, he wasn't Yoongi's anymore and this was not Yoongi's territory but because of his feisty mouth, he earns a slap to his cheek from the alpha, however, before Jimin can further cuss him out or call out for their neighbors, the alpha had cupped his mouth with his large hand 

"Shh, we're going home." He says slowly, sliding his hand down the omega's mouth and onto his bump "My pup's getting quite big." The alpha's voice cracked as he felt around the bump "Namjoon's been responsible and takes care of me unlike someone." Jimin mutters but enough for Yoongi to understand 

"Look at you, getting braver, let me remind you to watch your fucking tongue." Yoongi snaps at him and the omega was ready to swing at him but he was conflicted because he had to think about Sungwoon, not knowing what Yoongi's next move would be if he were to fight him.

"Papa's gonna take care of you, of you and daddy." Yoongi's words made Jimin flinch but he tried to keep his emotions neutral, he cannot stress out the pup as he was getting closer to his due date "Yoongi-" another hit made him whimper 

"You're coming home with me, you are not raising my pup with another alpha, do you understand?" Jimin merely nods, not wanting to get hurt yet again as he lets Yoongi have his way with him, dragging away from his home and on the elevator.

The omega pressed himself to the corner of the elevator, away from the alpha who was on the opposite corner "Have you thought of a name for him?" The omega keeps his lips zipped, he didn't want to speak nor look at Yoongi. Jimin didn't even feel himself crying, only realizing when some tears dropped on the sleeve of Namjoon's sweater "Here we go again with the crying," Yoongi scoffs irritable 

"What's the pup's name?" Yoongi repeats, taking a step closer to Jimin "Kim, Kim Sungwoon." Jimin answers and it was enough to trigger Yoongi "What did you just say?" Yoongi questions, his tone getting even deeper 

"Kim Sungwoon." He chuckles sarcastically as he studies the omega, he can feel Jimin's fear radiating out of his body despite the fearless persona 

"You dare to name my pup with his last name? Jimin, let me remind you who you belong to, who that pup belongs to." Yoongi growls, grabbing him by the shoulders and pushing him further against the cold walls of the elevator "You," he pauses, tucking a strand of Jimin's hair away from his face 

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