◀Chapter Seven▶

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「we couldn't stop」

Days passed ever since Seokjin found out what has truly been happening between Jimin and Yoongi, he offered for Jimin to stay at his place for a couple of days just until everything has calmed down but Jimin didn't want to be a burden to him and to Hoseok. 

In the end, Seokjin ended up dropping him home for 5 days straight but in those days Jimin was quite lucky as Yoongi hasn't been coming home, it gave him time to spend with Yun as well as taking care of himself.

But his luck run out when on the night of his heat, Yoongi had texted him that he was coming home.

Jimin shakily unlocked their apartment door "Hyung, you don't have to stay here for the night, I will be okay," Jimin tells the elder but he just shakes his head 

"I've been taking you away from Hoseok for the past nights, I promise that I'll be okay." He assures but the omega wasn't having it and takes the keys from Jimin's trembling hands to open the door himself

"I want to make sure you're okay and I'd also like to talk to Yoongi about all of this, especially since he came home at the night of your heat, it seems very sketchy and I want to stick around so he doesn't take advantage of your vulnerable state." Seokjin ruffles his hair and takes their grocery bags inside, leading the way while Jimin closed the door and kicked his shoes off and slipping on a pair of fluffy bunny slippers 

"Hello there Yun, missed Seokjinie?" Seokjin picks up the calico cat who purrs in his arms before climbing up his shoulders when she hears Jimin's voice

"Well, I've taken my suppressants but I trust your judgment as it may not be strong enough to induce my heat." Seokjin sighs in relief "Look at you, listening to your Hyung." Jimin's ears turn red and he follows him to the kitchen so they can start working on dinner 

"I know that I'm just an omega but I will protect you from Yoongi, I have wide shoulders that can destroy a person's face." Jimin giggles a bit while washing his hands and helping with cutting the ingredients.

The two were having a laugh the whole time but when the sound of the door cuts in, everything grew silent "Minie, I'm home!" Yoongi calls out and he was hit with Yoongi's scent as he approaches 

"Oh, Seokjin, surprised to see you here." Yoongi approaches the older omega who looks unfazed "Thought I'd pop in for a bit." He replies confidently as he continues to cook the meat and Yoongi clears his throat "Jimin, may I talk to you in private?"

Yoongi turns to Jimin who had his head lung low as he picked at the wrapper of some packets of chocolates "Min, Baby?" Yoongi lifts his head up by putting a finger on his chin and he sees the damaged he had done to Jimin, his cheek was less swollen but the bruise on the corner of his lip was still prominent 

"You can say it to me right now." Jimin says but Yoongi wasn't having it as he grabbed the omega's wrist which Jimin slapped his hand away, instantly regretting his action 

"Yoongi, whatever you have to say, just say it." Jimin didn't even notice that Seokjin was right beside him at this point, holding his shoulder, squeezing it to reassure him that he will be okay "Forget it, I'm going out." Yoongi grumbles, not giving Jimin another look as he walked out of the room and slamming the door.

The sound alone made Jimin burst out, the emotions he felt just gushing out like a waterfall "Its okay, you're okay," Seokjin wrapped his arms around him while the younger held on tightly "You're going to be okay, I'll make sure of it." Seokjin hushed him, wiping the tears away from his eyes 

"Now, Smile for me pretty baby," he encourages as he held Jimin's chubby face in his hands, squeezing slightly while cooing "Smile for Hyung, please." He pushes and Jimin closes his eyes, the remaining tears streaming down his face but he lets out a watery laugh as well as a genuine smile for his Hyung 

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