◀Chapter Two▶

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「dangerous again」

Namjoon takes a glance outside of the shop, it was starting to get dim, the streetlights were being turned on and people had started to crowd the narrow street of the shopping center, most likely looking for a place to have dinner or going window shopping in the quaint boutiques.

Around that time, Seokjin's flower shop would be closing up and he would always see Jimin sweeping up the floors or giving the plants more spritz of water for the night.

A smile would tug on his lips whenever he would see the omega laugh at Seokjin's jokes, he loves seeing Jimin laugh so hard, it makes his eyes turn into the shape of crescents and he noticed that it was a habit of his to throw his head back or fall forward when he would laugh.

The alpha have had his eyes on Jimin since the shop had opened, at first he was just Seokjin's employee and eventually they became best friends.

"Hyung is back at it again." Jungkook wiggles his brows as he passes by him "He just looks happy at the moment Kook, he looks pretty when he smiles, and he should always be smiling." Jungkook mutters out "Whipped" but Namjoon still hears it, letting out a sigh.

The lights in their shop were turned off and Seokjin was locking up in the code pad, Jimin felt the cold wind nip at his body, specifically his nose and it made him sniffle 

"I'm going to wait for Yoongi here, you can go ahead Hyung." Jimin tells Seokjin as he sat on one of the metal benches

"Are you sure? You know, you can always come with Hoseok and me for dinner." Seokjin invites but the younger shakes his head, he wants Seokjin to have quality time with his fiancé, knowing there are times they don't see each other since Hoseok was busy with choreographing fresh trainees that enter the company "Yoongi and I are probably going to the movies," Jimin pauses, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket

"Also, you guys always treat me like a child when I go to dinner with you." Jimin reminds in a teasing manner, it made Seokjin blush as he did have a habit of babying Jimin, seeing as he saw the younger as a brother, he couldn't really help himself.

"It's great practice for the real deal," Jimin snickers "Is there something you're not telling me Hyung?" Jimin eyes his fellow omega's stomach "Yah! I'm not pregnant!" he says defensively, covering his flat stomach with his arms "Not yet at least." Jimin winks and with that Seokjin kisses the top of his head and they part ways, leaving him all alone and cold.

"Namjoon Oppa, this is your chance!" Lalisa gives Namjoon a little push, the alpha was currently going through his planner, confirming with clients regarding their appointments 

"What could you possibly want me to do Lis?" Namjoon asks his friend who has skipped over to the waiting area, kneeling on the couch, resting her chin on her hands as he spied on the omega

"Invite him in Hyung! Wouldn't want Jiminie Hyung to get sick!" Jungkook hollers while he was piercing a client's helix "Jungkook, please focus on your client before you fuck it up." Namjoon scolds and he hears a whine escape the younger's lips and the client's chuckle

"Joon, go on." Lalisa urged, Namjoon takes a big deep breath, straightening his back and puffing his chest "You look like a bird right now, Jesus Christ, you're just gonna invite him in, not claiming him." Jackson finally pushes him out of the shop. 

The sight of the omega made Namjoon's heart almost leap out of his chest and he starts to approach him, he smelled of cherry blossoms, lemons and an array of flowers with a hint of pine and nicotine which is his boyfriend's scent.

Jimin looks up at the tall figure in front of him that blocked the lights, he immediately smiles to see that it was Namjoon, the alpha from across the street "Hi hyung." Jimin stands up and bows to be polite

"Hey Jimin, do you," Namjoon scratches the back of his neck, looking down at the brick floor to stop himself from blushing

"Do you want to come inside the shop, it's awfully cold out here." He finally offers without stuttering, he hears the omega hum, it was rather chilly and his sweater and jacket wasn't giving a sufficient amount of warmth

"Okay, I'll just let Yoongi Hyung know," he stands up, standing next to the alpha who was taller than him "Lead the way Hyung." Namjoon ruffles his hair as he giggles at their height difference "I tend to forget how small you are Jiminie." He teases as they started to go across the street

"I'm not small Hyung, you're just built like a tree." Jimin fires back, sassiness in his tone but he froze when a strong gust of wind hits and he got a whiff of pine and nicotine

"Jimin, where are you going?" his low voice made him stop his feet from taking him anywhere, he turned along with Namjoon and there his boyfriend was walking towards them with a cold look on his face, Jimin knew he was being territorial, hence why his scent was far more stronger.

"Yoongi-ah," Jimin's eyes widen "I was just-" he was cut off when Yoongi pulls him closer, causing him to stumble a bit but Yoongi immediately wraps a hand around his waist to prevent him from falling "Be careful please." Namjoon says in his alpha tone as a means to intimidate the shorter alpha but at the same time out of concern for Jimin.

"It's okay Hyung, Yoongi, this is Namjoon, he's a tattoo artist and Namjoon, this is my boyfriend, Yoongi, but you probably knew that since he drops me off every day." Jimin had a shy smile on his lips as he introduced the pair "It's nice to meet you Yoongi." Namjoon says "Likewise, Baby, let's go." Yoongi squeezes the side of his waist a little

"Of course, I'll see you tomorrow Joon Hyung." Jimin waves at him one last time and as soon as the couple was out of his sight, he head back to his own place 

"What happened? Who was that man? I have so many questions and answers that somehow seems wrong." She sing-songs and she sees the defeated look on her Oppa and she leans he head on his shoulder as she listened "That was Jimin's boyfriend," he says with a sigh before plopping down on the couch next to her

"I knew he had a boyfriend but why did he have to come when I finally had the guts to talk to him." He continues and Jungkook joins them, laying his head on Namjoon's shoulder, copying Lalisa "Taehyung says they've been having problems between them, well, I know that Yoongi's not one for showing affection and Jimin loves it so it might be that." Lalisa takes a sip of her iced coffee

"Tell me more tea Jungkook." She says as a way to lighten up the mood "I don't know more, Taehyung wouldn't really tell me but you can see it, Jimin looks as if he's putting a persona on, I see it when I'm on a double date with them, he just seems so reserved around Yoongi and honestly it's not the Jimin I knew from college."

While the trio was analyzing what could have happened between Yoongi and Jimin. The omega was panting from being out of breath in Yoongi's car 

"What," Yoongi pulls Jimin's jacket off him 

"Makes," he pushes Jimin down on the backseat

 "You," he hovers over him, noses touching 

"Think you can go with another alpha?" he sweetly kisses his plump lips, giving it a little nibble knowing how weak it made Jimin "Who's your alpha Jimin?" Yoongi questions, moving down to bite at his clavicles

"Yo-Ah!" Jimin yelps at how hard Yoongi bit him "Sorry." Yoongi mumbles, giving the sore flesh a kiss "Yours, you're my alpha." Yoongi felt his ego boost and he clashes their lips yet again, making Jimin moan and grab hold of him tighter

"Mine, you're all mine." Yoongi gasps for air ashe pulls away, going down his neck and the point where the omega's neck andshoulders meet "I want to mark you so fucking bad, I want to claim you, Babyboy."

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