◀Chapter Fourteen▶

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「even if you say it's a useless dream」

The next days that followed had been stressful for Jimin, he felt so bad for stressing himself because it also stresses the pup.

With him being given days to rest, Yoongi took some time off work as well so he was always with Jimin in case something happens. 

Jimin's heart always skips a beat whenever Yoongi asks him about the different scent that clings to him, it ends up with him sniffing around their apartment and Jimin lying that it was his new bath bomb, his body wash, or the scented candles that he'd use.

Jimin twiddled his fingers on the handle of the mug that was filled with aromatic hot chocolate he's been craving, Bogum made sure to put extra whipped cream and chocolate syrup as per Taehyung's request.

Namjoon was running a little late due to a client coming in last minute for a piercing and he'd inform Jimin to order for both of them but he's paying when he comes

"How's my favorite boy?" Taehyung puts the veggie burger in front of Jimin and a panini that he ordered for Namjoon "I'm doing pretty good," Jimin replies, not forgetting to thank him for the food

"And how is our little one?" Jimin hums, lips curling into a sweet smile 

"Hopefully okay, being a bad little one, making it hard for me to hide him." Jimin replies, popping a fry into his mouth 

"You mean," Taehyung sat across him "You haven't told him yet?" Taehyung says in a hushed tone

"I'm easing him into it, I asked him how he would feel about having children." Taehyung was slowly inching his hand on to Jimin's fries but Jimin was quick to slap his hand away 

"What'd he say? I mean, Jungkook said he'd be ecstatic if we have children." Jimin bites his lip, unable to lie to his best friend

"He's not ready yet." Jimin deadpans taking a drink of his hot chocolate and Taehyung, ever so mad, banged his hand on the table 

"Calm down!" Jimin scolds, protectively holding his bump that was unnoticeable under his sweater "I'm sorry," Taehyung apologizes, embarrassed because they attracted stares from other customers

"Aren't you supposed to be working, Bogum will have your head if he sees you lounging here with me." Jimin changes the topic and thankfully, Taehyung agreed, standing up and back behind the counter before Bogum could catch him.

"Minie!" Jimin whips his head and sees Namjoon smiling at him, showing off his deep dimples that Jimin loved to poke

"Joonie!" Jimin hops off his seat, throwing himself on to Namjoon who returns the omega's bone-crushing hug "I'm honestly starving." Namjoon rubs his flat stomach and he sat down with Jimin.

The omega studies Namjoon's arm, his eyes catching a brand new looking tattoo

"Joon, May I?" Jimin was softly touching the tips of Namjoon's fingers and the alpha nods, Jimin holds his wrist, pulling Namjoon's arm towards him.

His fingers ghosted over the picture that laid on Namjoon's skin and the alpha felt goosebumps as he felt the pads of Jimin's fingers on his skin

"Why a bird?" Jimin curiously asked, Namjoon wraps his hand over Jimin's smaller one "I like birds, they can fly away when it gets too crazy." Namjoon explains, Jimin puffs his cheeks

"Maybe you can give me a tattoo in the future." Namjoon raises a brow "You sure Minie? I wouldn't want to put ink on your beautiful skin." Jimin just shakes his head, a chuckle slipping out of his lips 

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