◀Chapter Six▶

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「even if you already knew」

When Jimin woke up, his body was full of knots, his back felt strained and his legs had cramped due to the small space of their bathtub, he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes as he gripped on to the sides of the tub to pull himself up, he lets out a yawn before he spots the amaryllis that had been squished by his arm but he smiles even though it caused some pain to his throbbing cheek and lips as it was a sweet gesture from Namjoon.

"Appreciate the little things, Jimin." He whispers to himself as he picks up the flimsy flower, thinking about pressing it on the inside of a book as a keepsake.

He finally gets out of the tub, taking out the towels and folding them before putting them back in their place. He turns on the water on the shower, waiting for it to become warmer and he strips of his clothes, bringing it up to his nose as it still had Namjoon's scent.

He sits on the edge of the tub, shivering at the cold contact as he brings his hand up to touch his fresh bruise, he wasn't appalled by the alpha's action, and he became desensitized to it.

He gets up on his feet and in front of the mirror, he stares at his naked reflection, fading hickeys, bruises and bite marks littered his milky skin, the were spread out around his body; a bruise on his cheek, bite marks on his shoulders, close to his scent gland, hickeys littered the base of his neck and on his chest, bruises wrapped around his hips from Yoongi's grip during sex, and the inside of his thighs were just a mess of bite marks and hickeys, what stood out in his eyes was a scar on his ribs, slowly tracing his finger along the raised skin, eyes welling up with tears as he recalled how he'd gotten that scar.

"Yoongi, please calm down, I didn't mean to-" Jimin pleads with his boyfriend just as Yoongi's palm collided with his cheek and he fell on to the couch, his torso hitting the arm rest making his gasp and whimper in pain 

"How many times have I told you Jimin, How many fucking times!" Yoongi yells, slamming his fist on to the coffee table right in front of the already terrified omega, Yoongi runs his hands through his hair, breathing out quite loudly as he sits down on to the single seat couch, muttering to himself with eyes closed.

"I said I was sorry, I told you my laptop wasn't working and I needed something to work with." Jimin tries to stand up, groaning as his torso still hurt 

"Jimin, shut up." Yoongi grumbles, eyes still closed as he leans back on to the seat, pinching the bridge of his nose "I worked day and night for that song and you being so fucking stupid had the audacity to tamper with the record, fuck sake." Yoongi had massaged his temples, unable to see that Jimin had worked up the courage to approach him, he grazes his fingers through Yoongi's hair knowing it calms him down, he slides one of his hands down to his cheek and caressed the soft skin with his thumb 

"I'm sorry, you know I didn't do it on purpose-" he was cut off when Yoongi swings his arm causing Jimin to stumble backwards, his feet finding the discarded pair of boots and he wasn't able to break his fall nor balance himself and he lands on the sharp corner of their drawer, he hears a snap and he falls to the floor with a thud, he was unable to process what had happened as he splutters out tears and holds on to his torso, letting out a shrill cry at the pain and realization that he had broken his bones.

There was a deafening silence in the emergency room as Yoongi waited for Jimin to wake up, he held the omega's frail hand in his as he watches him sleep, squeezing Jimin's hand when the younger would move to let him know that he's there and he will be okay.

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