◀Chapter Twenty-Two▶

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「even so, i keep hoping」

A good two months have passed, their little bundle of joy was growing up healthy, despite the fact that he would wake the couple up at odd hours of the morning with his wails.

"My little angel is so good," Namjoon coos as he held the bottle of milk on to the baby's mouth "Jimin, are you ready?" Namjoon stands up from the rocking chair with Sungwoon still in his arm 

"Namjoonie, I look ugly now," the alpha finds the omega on the floor of their bedroom in front of the mirror, clothes were sprawled around the floor and some were on the bed 

"Baby, you're not ugly, come on," he coaxes, not really able to give him a hand to stand up as his hands were full "You look beautiful my dove." Namjoon assures, sitting next to him on the bed 

"I have- I have stretch marks now and-" Namjoon hushes him, leaning over to kiss his cheek "Jimin, your body just changed because of the baby but that doesn't mean you're not beautiful anymore," he nuzzles down on his jaw 

"You're still my pretty baby, those stretch marks are just proof that you had this beautiful baby in my arms right now, I know that all these months you felt like your body wasn't yours, it's because you were sharing it with our little boy here to give him all he needed to be healthy, I love you and I always will." Jimin wipes away his tears with the sleeve of his hoodie 

"I'm sorry," he squeaks, leaning his head on Namjoon's shoulder, meeting the brown eyes of his pup that were getting droopy because of the satisfaction from being fed 

"It's okay Sweetheart, you're just a little emotional because of the post-pregnancy, don't worry." Namjoon kisses the top of his head making Jimin smile softly as he takes a look at the reflection of their family on the mirror, thinking to himself how he got so lucky.

Sungwoon was sleeping, safe and sound, strapped in his baby basket in the backseat of the car as they drove to Busan to meet Jimin's family and so they can meet the little pup, Jimin notices the anxious look in Namjoon's face as he snacked on a pack of gummy worms, feeding Namjoon like a little bird so he wouldn't get hungry throughout the drive.

"Something wrong Baby?" Jimin asks "Just anxious, this is going to be the first time I'm meeting your parents since we got together." Namjoon confessed, laughing nervously and Jimin put his hand on top of is on the gear shift 

"They'll love you, just show them that dimpled smile of yours and they will be whipped in a snap." Jimin beams, hyping him up making Namjoon shake his head "I'm serious though!" Jimin poked the deep dimple that showed on the side of his cheek 

"Wanna know something?" Jimin asks, putting his feet up on the dashboard, Namjoon kept his eyes glued to the road, driving slowly and surely "What?"

"That dimple is illegal, it's dangerous, so I call you illeguy, and your existence alone is a crime." Jimin exaggerates almost every word and Namjoon felt like dying from secondhand embarrassment 

"Jimin! Where- How did you even think of that?" Namjoon laughed and cringed at the same time "Who else? I got it from Seokjin Hyung." Namjoon lets out a huff "You are so lucky that I love you, I would have dropped your ass if you tell me more dad jokes."

 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"There's my beautiful boy!" Mrs. Park was ecstatic, running towards Jimin to give him a tight hug "Mom, I missed you." Jimin returns the hug, his smile reaching from ear to ear 

"Where's my grandchild? I'm dying to see the little pup." She heard towards the car where Namjoon was unbuckling his basket with Jimin following behind "You must be the famous Kim Namjoon our Jimin has been talking about." She smiles, cupping his face to get a good look at him.

"That's me, it's nice to finally meet you Mrs. Park." Namjoon bows "Please, call me Jiwoo, is this the little one?" she crouches down to the basket in Namjoon's hands 

"Oh my, he looks a lot like you Jimin, I can't even see a trace of that ex of yours." He voice had become bitter as she mentioned Yoongi 

"Where is that bastard anyway?" she asks, linking her arms with Jimin's "Last time we saw him was at the police station." She sighs "I always had a bad feeling about Yoongi, he always had some problems with his attitude but I didn't interfere as I didn't-"

"Mom, stop, he's in the past now and I'm with Namjoon, it has been the best months of my life." Jimin says, while looking back at Namjoon who shyly avoided his eyes "Hey shorty!" Jimin groaned at the nickname Chanyeol just had to use 

"Chanyeol Hyung, please, not in front of my boyfriend and son." He whines before hugging him and quickly pulling away as he wanted to meet the other alpha 

"Namjoon, right?" he pats Namjoon's shoulder who nodded "I heard you beat the fuck out of Yoongi, serves him right for what he did to Jimin." Chanyeol says, glancing down at his nephew who is sleeping peacefully in the basket "He looks like Jimin when he was a baby." He chuckles as he pats his hair.

"We should eat now, you are probably hungry from the drive, Jimin, come." Jiwoo suggests, taking Jimin's hand in hers to lead him to the kitchen to help with putting the food out "I'll take care of Sungwoon." Namjoon said, sitting down on the couch with the basket on the coffee table and he studies the Park's home, it was rather spacious and filled with all sorts of trinkets and photos 

"Namjoon, please take care of our Jimin," Chanyeol sits down next to him on the couch "I will, I promised him and I promise you." Chanyeol shows him a small smile "Jimin always fall in love deeply, to the point that he gets blinded, did you know that this is the first time he's come home?" Namjoon shakes his head 

"He ran away from home to be with Yoongi because we didn't really approve of it." Namjoon frowns "He never really told me this." Namjoon replies "Understandable, well, after he had graduated, he was so set with working here in Busan to be close with us but Yoongi got a job as a producer in Seoul and somehow manipulated him to run away with him to Seoul," 

Namjoon can sense the anger and hurt in Chanyeol's voice, still very clearly holding a grudge towards Yoongi 

"Yoongi was a sweet boyfriend to Jimin but as time passed by, he became different. He didn't really have a good relationship with his family so it might have contributed to it, his parents had thrown him out of the house and he snapped." Chanyeol finished and Namjoon was in awe, he didn't really know anything about Jimin and Yoongi's relationship before they moved to Seoul, he didn't want to open wounds in Jimin's heart so he let it be.

"I work across the street from Jimin, I've seen how progressively sad he got. I've had my fair share of scuffles with Yoongi throughout the months I've been with Jimin, it's like he uses Sungwoon to remind Jimin that it's still his pup even though he didn't even want him at first. He treated Jimin as if he's an object." Namjoon shared, Chanyeol nods in agreement 

"I was so worried about Jimin when he left, he was pretty insecure, the boy was always so insecure about his fuller figure and Yoongi's comments certainly didn't help." Namjoon was absolutely mortified, what kind of person would treat a person as sweet and pure as Jimin like this?

"He's healthy now, I always make sure he eats right, making sure that he doesn't feel an ounce of insecurity, he has friends that take care of him when he tends to spiral down that hole." Chanyeol felt at ease with Namjoon 

"I'm thankful that you came in his life and that him and Sungwoon have you in their lives, you better put a ring on it." Chanyeol winks making him flustered 

"I will, eventually, right now our priority is our little boy here." He referred to their cherub-cheeked baby who was still asleep 

"Of course, I'm glad Sungwoon is growing up with a father as good as you; calm, level-headed, and laid-back. Someone who actually puts him first, unlike someone who only cared about his career."

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