◀Chapter Twenty-Three▶

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「even at the end, if you're with me, i'm okay」

All of Jimin and Namjoon's attention were focused solely on Sungwoon as he was growing each day, they've barely had the time to even go on dates but it never bothered the alpha nor the omega. 

Namjoon always made sure that he and Jimin would have a movie date/night every so often, just so they can temporarily forget that they were parents, that is if Sungwoon sleeps throughout the night.

After the couple's encounter with Jimin's family months prior, Jimin decided that they should take Sungwoon to meet Namjoon's family in Ilsan which Namjoon agreed to in an instant. 

Just like Jimin's family, Namjoon was teased about putting a ring on it because they can see how Jimin looks at Namjoon and they noticed how much Namjoon has changed in a good way, becoming a lot more confident and almost as if breaking out of his shell.

Sungwoon is 7 months old now, they months had gone by fast for the family.

"How is our little boy?" Taehyung cooed when he got to Jimin and Namjoon's apartment with Seokjin "He's doing okay however he's cranky because he's teething." Namjoon explained, bouncing the pup on his knee 

"Are you guys sure that it's okay with you?" Jimin asks for the nth time while fixing his hair "Yes Jimin, you two could use a night to yourselves, now please, get the fuck out and have fun." 

Namjoon gives Taehyung a warning look and he knew instantly what that look meant, taking out 1000 Won from his wallet and dropping it on to their "Swear Jar" that Jimin provided in their home 

"We'll keep an eye on Sungwoon, don't worry about us, you two need to be alone and Sungwoon needs a baby brother." Seokjin teases making the couple shake their head "No more, not yet at least." Jimin quickly says, giving Sungwoon's chubby cheek a kiss 

"Be a good boy, I love you so much." The baby lets out a giggle as Jimin's kisses tickled him and he walked out first 

"We'll be off now, see you guys later." Namjoon kissed his son's forehead "Namjoon?" Seokjin gave him a look, the alpha smiles at him and nodded "Oh my gosh, good luck Joon." Seokjin whispers happily and Taehyung hugged him before pushing him out of the apartment so that he can spend time with Jimin alone.

"So, Mr. Kim, where are we off to?" Jimin asked as they drove under the bright fluorescent streets of Seoul 

"Well, I'm taking you to my studio, I may or may not have been working on something for you." Namjoon smiled, Jimin inched closer to him "Mind telling me Joonie?" Jimin showed his best puppy eyes 

"Dinner first, Love, be patient." Namjoon answered and Jimin sat straight "Okay, I'll be patient then." He leans his head on the window, looking up at the lights outside.

After dinner, they went straight to Namjoon's studio, he stared up at the huge building right in front of his eyes and Namjoon slips his arm around Jimin's waist "This is where I disappear to sometimes," he says "Turning my hobby into something productive."

They walked to the entrance "Hey Joon, late night?" the guard asked "Yeah, this is Jimin by the way, my boyfriend." Namjoon introduces and Jimin smiles at the older man 

"Oh, this is the omega you've always been gushing about, well, it's nice to meet you Jimin." He teases the alpha who whines "Don't stay up too late, okay? It's bad for your health."

Namjoon unlocks his studio, opening the door for Jimin "After you, my prince." Namjoon tells Jimin who blushed but nonetheless went inside, Namjoon closes the door behind him and turned on the lights and Jimin was struck at how aesthetically pleasing the room was 

"Wow," Jimin stared at the photos and figurines displayed on the shelves and one caught his eye and tugged on his heart 

"You have his sonogram here." Jimin faintly touches the glass of the frame "Of course I do, come here." Namjoon turns on his computer, he sits down on his desk chair and Jimin sat on his lap, giggling innocently "Clingy baby." Namjoon kisses the exposed skin of his neck before turning his attention to his computer "I have something here that I made quite a long time ago," Namjoon trails off, Jimin looks at the screen and reads the file name 


He turns back to Namjoon who looked nervous "Joon, what does that word mean?" he asks, raking his fingers through Namjoon's hair "The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy way. I chose that as a title because we met through an accident, spilling ink on a bouquet you were carrying for a delivery." Jimin chuckles at the memory "The client liked how it looked so it as a happy accident."

"Exactly!" he beams before opening the file and the track had started to play, Namjoon was a bit embarrassed upon hearing his vocals so he buries his face in Jimin's chest.

Jimin's eyes widen as he listened "Oh Joonbug," he mumbles, listening to his boyfriend's soft vocals, he cannot comprehend the fact that Namjoon took the time to compose, produce, and record a song for him 

"That's enough embarrassment for me." Namjoon was a blushing mess as he paused the song "I wanted more! I love it Joonie!" Jimin pouts and Namjoon pecks his lips, his pout changing into a smile, showing that crooked front tooth that he always thought as cute.

"Cause you love me and I love you," Namjoon sings silently, resting his head on Jimin's chest, listening to the omega's heartbeat 

"You are my penicillin, you're like my medicine, Jimin, you always make me feel better. You always put up with me throughout the nights where I would be so stressed, you wouldn't stop until I feel better," Namjoon was tracing the raised scars on Jimin's wrist that indicated his rough past with Yoongi 

"My angel, my world," Namjoon feels Jimin rest his cheek on top of his head "You're my calico cat, so rare, your personality is one of a kind; Innocent, pure, kind-hearted, you always make people happy, always putting them first, and you never leave them alone once you know there's something wrong." Namjoon pulls away, getting a good look at Jimin's beautiful face 

"Thank you so much for giving me a chance to love you Jimin, I wouldn't be who I am now if it weren't for you, I taught you to love yourself and you did the same for me. I always love seeing that bright smile of yours, the way your eyes disappear when you smile, gosh, you're so beautiful Jimin, and I have no idea how I got to be with someone as beautiful as you. I'm happy we have a son, he may not have my blood but he's mine," Namjoon's voice cracks a bit and Jimin wipes his tears away 

"You two are the best things that have ever come into my life," he takes a pause, fishing in the pocket of his jacket 

"So, Park Jimin, I have been building up the courage to do this, I don't want you to be just my boyfriend, I want you to be my husband, I want to be able to spend my whole life with you and never stop loving you, Jimin, will you marry me?" Namjoon pops the question, opening the small white box in front of the omega, Jimin was at a loss for words and instead of a verbal answer, he kissed the alpha, happy and speechless, it felt like his heart was going to burst 

"I'll take that as a yes then?" Namjoon smiled against Jimin's lips and he slipped the ring on Jimin's finger "Namjoon," Jimin whispers 

"What is it Sweetheart?" Namjoon asked and he notices the aura change between them "Mark me Namjoon, make me yours and only yours."

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