◀Chapter Three▶

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「enduring more」

Sunday mornings were always a treat, it was Jimin's day off and were also the times that he would volunteer to help out Hoseok in his studio, with all the children he's teaching, it can get a bit messy so he always tries to help the alpha out as well as doing some dancing as his means of cardio.

In the meantime, the omega was sat on the window seat of their apartment with a calico cat in between his legs.

He had named her "Yun" because when the couple was at the animal shelter, the chubby cat was as soft as a cloud and Yoongi agreed with him, Yun was a present from Yoongi.

The alpha had the guise of asking Jimin out just for a walk but when he saw the glint in Jimin's eyes when they passed by a cat café, he immediately got the idea to take Jimin to the animal shelter to pick out a pet for them to raise.

Jimin was thankful for Yun and cherished him, seeing her as someone who might help strengthen his bond with Yoongi.

The living room area was filled with the soft vocals of IU, he hums along the songs of her Last Fantasy album, when Yun got off his lap, she went straight inside Yoongi's studio and Jimin immediately followed as that room is off limits to everyone, even Jimin but he wonders why the room had been left open and remembers that Yoongi must have forgotten when he immediately fell asleep the moment his head hit his pillow.

"Kitty you can't be in here," he picks up the cat who gives a soft meow making Jimin coo "This is Yoongi's room."

He scratches her head and was about to leave when he saw one of Yoongi's notebooks, he pouts and decides to approach it and he glides his fingers over the cover and opens it and his heart pumps fast when he saw the title "First Love"

It makes him smile because he figures Yoongi must have written a song about him or about their relationship

"Looky here Yun, I found something." He chuckles as he reads through the lines

"The corner of my memory, a brown piano settled on one side. In the corner of my childhood house, a brown piano settled on one side."

Jimin's smile fades into a frown, of course it was going to be about Yoongi's endless love for the piano and music, and it was his number one priority, without a doubt.

"Well, Yun, I guess I was wrong, maybe next time, he'll write something." He kisses the top of his head and they leave the room but just as the door closes

"Jimin-ah?" he hears his boyfriend's groggy morning voice

"Jimin, what were you doing there?" Jimin feels his knees go weak, Yoongi rarely yelled at him but his monotone voice was scarier for him, he had quite the temper and he wouldn't want to push him

"I just did some cleaning up, I was in and out." He lies, putting Yun down and rushing towards him

"Good morning by the way." He wraps his arms around his neck, pulling away and giving him a kiss on the cheek, Yoongi seemed to buy his lie and he smiles, holding Jimin's chin and kissing him making Jimin giggle, it was moments like this that makes him remember as to why he can't leave Yoongi.

"I'll make you some breakfast before I head out to help Hoseok." Yoongi nods, following Jimin to their kitchen

"What would you like?" Jimin asks, taking out a mug and pouring in some coffee

"You seem sweet, can I have you?" Yoongi teases as he eyes Jimin's milky thighs and exposed shoulder from his sweater being larger

"Ah Hyung, stop." Jimin blushes, not seeing that Yoongi had stood up from his seat and he pressed himself upon Jimin, trapping him between his body and their kitchen counter

"Yoongi-" Jimin cuts himself off with a moan when he feels Yoongi grind up against his ass

"What was that Baby?" Yoongi teases even more, Jimin can't seem to form any words as he bent down onto the counter, gripping on to the edge as gasps and moans leaves his lips

"My sweet baby," Yoongi stops grinding on him and leans down, dragging his tongue from the nap of Jimin's neck down to the dimples on the bottom of his spine making the omega shiver and produce slick, Yoongi moans at the strong scent of cherry blossoms and lemon.

He slips off the omega's bottoms, taking a bite of the soft, plump flesh of his ass making Jimin yelp while Yoongi straightens himself up, fingers teasing his wet hole

"Yoongi, I'm g-going to b-be l-late." Jimin says in between breaths, moaning loudly when he feels two fingers enter him

"A-Alpha," Jimin looks so fucked even from the small touches Yoongi made on his body "Well, can't have you going to work leaking slick, can't we?" Yoongi rummages through their spice cabinets for a stash of condoms

"Hurry, please." Jimin whines, holding his ass open for his alpha to penetrate

"Just a quickie, Love." Yoongi mumbles and enters Jimin's needy hole, causing him to lunge forward a bit when he feels Yoongi's whole length enter in one thrust

"Y-Yoonie!" he whimpers as the alpha puts his weight on him, kissing and sucking on the back of his neck and shoulders "Jimin, please let me mark you." Yoongi holds his hips tightly, most likely causing bruises in the shape his fingers

"N-No, not-not yet." Jimin stutters causing Yoongi to growl and pins his hands together and with his free hand he jerks off Jimin's hard length that was leaking pre-cum.

Jimin turns his head to the side, enough for Yoongi to reach his face

"K-Kiss me." Yoongi obliges, roughly kissing the omega and letting go of his hands only to rake it into his blonde hair

"S-Shit." Jimin feels his orgasm coming, the pleasure of Yoongi's cock inside of him, his hand teasing his cock and his other hand pulling his hair, Jimin was very close until Yoongi pulls out

"Yoongi!" he whines, tears welling in his eyes at the loss of contact "Shh, up on the counter, I want to get a good look at you when you cum."

Yoongi breathes out as he lifted him to sit up on the counter and within seconds Yoongi was fucking into his sensitive hole again.

The omega rakes his nails down the alpha's back making Yoongi groan and bite down on to Jimin's neck and collarbones, avoiding his scent glands as Jimin didn't want to be marked yet

"Soon, you'll be mine." He whispers, pushing away the matted hair on Jimin's forehead and when he feels the omega clench tighter around him, he loses it and they cum at the same time, fuck, he love how tight his omega is for him.

Jimin felt the rush of euphoria coursing through his body while Yoongi slumps down, resting his head on the omega's chest and he feels the omega's small hands rake through his hair, the couple stayed that way for a while until they've calmed down from the high

"I love you." Jimin's voice was airy and tired "I love you too."

"That was a great way to start the morning." Yoongi adds as he carries the omega off the counter and carried him to the bathroom to bathe him and get him ready to go to Hoseok's.

Yoongi loves scenting his omega, either by fucking him, making him wear his clothes, or basically just scenting him by kissing his scent gland.

It was a way to let other alphas that might take interest in him to back away, he would love to mark Jimin as his but he's waiting for Jimin to give him his consent.

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