◀Chapter Twenty-One▶

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「in the end, we can't make it」

Jimin woke up to the sound of rustling through the walls of the apartment, he figures that something is going on in one of the spare rooms "What is he up to now?" he grumbles, rubbing his eyes and kicking off the covers, carefully getting up from the bed 

"What is your dad up to now?" Jimin questions, his pup just gives him a kick making him groan in pain "Gosh, do you want out already? Calm down, just a few more days, okay little one?" he kept walking, well, waddling to the room with a scowl on his face 

"Hoseok, it's not broken!" he hears Namjoon scream, Jimin opens the door and finds the two alphas trying to fix the crib that they bought not long ago "I think we did this wrong," Hoseok scratches the back of his head, the pair had some music in the background but due to their arguing it was drowned out and they didn't even notice the omega in their presence 

"How could we fuck it up when we have instructions?" Hoseok says making Namjoon whine, he pushes his hair up, re-reading the instructions and his jaw clenches, showing that he was on his more focused mood 

"We're going to wake Jimin up if we don't keep quiet." Namjoon says "You already did, Sweetheart." Jimin says, one hand on his bump as he leaned on the threshold of the room "Oh, good morning." Namjoon stands up to give him a kiss 

"I'm gonna go get ready and head to work, try not to destroy the place." Jimin was about to leave the room but Namjoon takes hold of his arm "Hey, you should stay home, he's going to pop out any minute now." Namjoon says, his puppy dog eyes in display as well as his pout 

"But I have to work to get him what he need, you know with the essentials and don't even get me started with the hospital bills." Jimin explains but Namjoon just cups his rosy cheeks 

"You've worked so hard for our little one but Baby, I'm here too, I'm here to support us, plus, your family has set aside some money for you just so you wouldn't work at such a late stage." Namjoon softly pinches his cheeks 

"Seokjin said you were on a leave so best to stay home than make him freak out." Hoseok chimes in and Namjoon thanks him for the reminder "I know, how about I just pay Seokjin a visit, I won't do anything, don't worry about me, he's not gonna come out until a few more days." Namjoon shakes his head, still a no 

"We never know, come on, stay home so I can pamper you." Namjoon did his best cute voice and winked at him to sway him but the omega was stubborn "I'll come home at noon, perhaps buy lunch for the three of us, is that okay?" Jimin bargains making Namjoon sigh 

"Fine, but make sure to call me if you feel something unusual so I can pick you up right away, I love you." Jimin squeals "I love you too Joonbug!" he gushes, thanking him a couple of times and bidding them good luck with the crib.

Jimin smiled as he gets inside the store, feeling refreshed at the sweet smells of the different flowers as well as the vibrant colors that were pleasing to his eyes "Jinnie Hyung? Where are you? I'm here!"

"Jimin? I told you to stay home, you are about to burst!" Seokjin scolds the omega, trying to push him to go back home "But I wanna work, I have to work for my little one. I have to buy diapers, Seokjin!" Jimin jokes, Seokjin laughs but still shook his head 

"I know but you can work after you've given birth, please." Seokjin urges but Jimin was being stubborn again "I can work Hyung, I'll go home at noon and Hoseok Hyung and Namjoon are making too much noise for my liking." Jimin adds, assuring Seokjin that he is okay before he heads to the back to retrieve his sears so he can make some bouquets.

Hours of peaceful work later, Jimin felt his pants dampen "I swear to God if I peed myself again," he mumbles grumpily because throughout the months, he felt as if his body wasn't his body "Seokjin, get me some rags and a mop please!" he hears Seokjin call out a reply while Jimin stayed seated on the stool to avoid any more mess 

"Why do you need- Jimin!" Seokjin screams while Jimin was startled "Why are you screaming at me?" he asks nonchalantly "I told you! Your water just fucking burst!" Seokjin was in the state of panic "What do I do?" Jimin asks, his eyes were wide 

"I'm going to call an ambulance as well as Hoseok." Seokjin runs out of the room to get on the landline and only then Jimin feels some pain "Sungwoon, you are one impatient Baby." Jimin pants out as he gets his phone out to call Namjoon, the alpha barely got to say hello as he get an earful of 

"Namjoon, baby wants out. Now!" Jimin hears rustling as well as a loud thud on the other side "Hoseok, my boyfriend is going to have our baby!"

 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Jimin groaned in pain as he squeezes Namjoon's hand so hard that the alpha was sure he was cutting off his blood circulation, he lets out a long, pained moan as another contraction came "I told you he can pop out any minute but you didn't listen." Namjoon comments in a sing-song manner 

"Namjoon, this is not the time for an "I told you so" moment!" Jimin barked out "Hey, how are you doing?" Taehyung asked when he walks into their private room "I want him out, now!" Jimin whines because his contractions were getting more painful by the minute.

"Baby, listen, it's going to be over soon, all of this is normal." Namjoon tries to comfort but his boyfriend is a monster when he is uncomfortable and impatient "I don't care, I cannot, for the love of God, deal with it!" Jimin yells, panting after it 

"The last stage of pregnancy is truly a pain, I've seen my sister go through it." Hoseok informs, holding Seokjin's hand "Still want a baby?" he looks at Seokjin with a smirk who just shrugged because of what he is witnessing.

"Joonie, this is so uncomfortable." Jimin cries out trying to take off the blood pressure cuff that was wrapped around his arm, timed to take his pressure every fifteen minutes "I know babe but you have to wear it." The alpha kisses his fingers, trying to distract him from everything.

Thankfully, he got an epidural but the sharp pains from where it was injected made it a tad worse, the drug was starting to do its things and it made the lower half of his body numb, it was great because he couldn't feel the contractions but they were coming in regularly 

"Seokjin, Taehyung, just want to let you know that you two are going to go through this." Jimin lets out just to give his friend a scare.

A few more hours later and Jaebum had come in "Jimin, we're going to head to surgery now, okay?" the omega can barely keep his eyes open due to the exhaustion "You're gonna have this baby and he's going to be healthy." Jimin flashes him a weak smile 

"You're doing great Sweetie!" Taehyung calls out as he snap-chatted the situation, making Seokjin sigh, massaging his temples as he watches his friend being wheeled out of the room with his boyfriend following.

Jimin's eyes were rolling to the back of his head as he feels the pressure from his chest all the way down to his abdomen, he was still holding Namjoon's hand that had started to become purple from how tight his grip is 

"He's a bit high up Jimin but he will be okay." He hears Jaebum say while he just feels like his whole chest was going to collapse "You're okay Sweetheart, you're okay." Namjoon kept praising and supporting him.

A good chunk of the clock had been taken and Jimin was relieved when he finally hears Jaebum tell him "He's out." He cries when he hears his little boy's cries, happy that his baby was alive and breathing.

"Mr. Kim, please come with us." Namjoon was ushered out by one of the nurses who had the baby and Namjoon gives Jimin a kiss on his forehead "I love you, you did so well Baby."

Jimin felt fucked up.

He still felt some pressure while he was being sutured up, he was dizzy and feels like throwing up "I want to see my little boy." Jimin requests, his voice a bit hoarse from the whole ordeal "Just a few more minutes, okay Jimin, you'll be with your family." Jimin breaths out a soft "Yay" that made Jaebum chuckle as he finished up, taking the epidural out so his numbness would start to subside.

The omega was transferred back into his room just as his epidural wore out and the excruciating pain came back but he was given his medication for the pain.

"He's beautiful, Jimin." Seokjin's eyes were filled with tears as he kissed Jimin's head, telling him how proud he is of him "Namjoon's been so protective over him, he wants you to have the first contact." Jungkook says making Jimin chuckle tiredly "Our baby's here Jimin, I can't believe it."

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