◀Chapter Sixteen▶

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「like there's no tomorrow」

Namjoon brushed a lock of Jimin's hair away from his sleeping face as he tucks the omega under the covers, he'd woken up with Jimin's body pressed up against him.

The two had slept next to each other because Jimin wanted to feel safe as he slept, Namjoon made him feel safe.

"Good morning Jimin," Namjoon whispers, sitting up and kissing the crown of his head, his eyes lingered on the faint red mark that had imprinted on the skin of his cheeks "I'm sorry I didn't come for you." He apologizes to the sleeping figure in front of him.

The buzzing of his door bell had caused Jimin to wake up, stirring a bit and rubbing his eyes but Namjoon was quick to pat his back soothingly "Go back to sleep Sweets, you need it." Namjoon softly tucks Jimin back in and he got up from the bed and bee-lined to the bathroom, splashing his face with cold water to wake him up.

He opens the door to see Seokjin and Hoseok "Good morning Joon, we got you guys some breakfast." Seokjin smiles, showing him the paper bag in his hands and Namjoon let them both in. Seokjin set the food on the coffee table and turned to Namjoon 

"How's he doing?" Seokjin asked "I hope he's okay." Namjoon just pressed his lips into a thin line and agreed while Seokjin had took hold of Hoseok's hand tightly and sat down on the couch "He was pretty shaken up, he's had nightmares last night and kept mumbling in his sleep, poor baby." Namjoon answers, sitting across the couple and letting out a groan 

"I should have gotten in the way, I should have gone after them the minute Yoongi dragged him out of the café, fuck, I'm such an idiot for thinking that Yoongi wouldn't hurt him." Namjoon was oozing with guilt as he covers his eyes with his hands 

"Namjoon, don't beat yourself up over it, we didn't know what goes in inside Yoongi's mind and come to think of it, Jimin had finally stood his ground and stood up for himself, he finally cut Yoongi off and he's here now, with you, and he's safe." Hoseok comforts the guilt-ridden alpha who silently agrees that Jimin's breaking point had opened his eyes to see the reality of their relationship.

"Hoseok, can you help me pick up some of his other stuff, he's told me he still had some important items in the house as well as his pet cat but I'm not allowing him to step another inch in that apartment even if I was with him." Hoseok immediately nods, knowing that perhaps his cat will boost up Jimin's mood 

"We can go now, just to get it over with, he can be stubborn and beg to come." Hoseok suggest as to which Namjoon agrees "I'll take care of him when he wakes up, he needs to eat since he's eating for two now," Seokjin winks 

"You two be safe, love you Seok." Seokjin kisses Hoseok's cheek and the two alphas walked out of Namjoon's home.

The two arrived in front of Jimin's old apartment complex "Let's ask the front desk for a spare key since Jimin had thrown his keys at Yoongi." Namjoon walked in first while Hoseok followed "Good morning, I'm here to ask if there's a spare key for room 247," Namjoon asks politely 

"Ah, the Min's apartment, what seems to be the issue?" the landlady asks "Well, Jimin had moved out for personal reasons but he's asked us to pick up some stuff from his place." The woman had fished through the cabinet of keys 

"I did wonder why that boy had a large bag with him yesterday, there had always been complaints about fighting going on in their room, it died down for a couple of months but yesterday, I heard from the Lee's that Mr. Min had yet another episode." 

Namjoon couldn't believe what he's hearing, he didn't know it was that bad, he informs the woman that Jimin had found a place to stay and was safe before thanking her and getting to what they were supposed to be doing.

"I hope that fucking asshole is in there so I can rip his throat out." Hoseok growls and it actually scares Namjoon at how Hoseok turns into a whole different person when he's mad, he can kill the person that would hurt Seokjin, Jimin, or Taehyung if he wanted to but of course, there's Seokjin, who is Hoseok's safe haven and would pull him out of his rage 

"Hoseok, I know you want to kill Yoongi, believe me, I want to do that too but Seokjin and Jimin wouldn't want that." Namjoon had talked some sense into him 

"How are you so calm and laid back all the time? It's actually impressive." Hoseok comments "I'm never one for violence, if I can settle it verbally, I will find a way to do so." Namjoon explains, just as the elevator doors open.

Namjoon sticks the key in the hole only to find out that the door wasn't even locked, he turns the knob and was assaulted by the smell of cigarettes and brandy, it mad Hoseok scrunch his nose at the strong smell "How many packs did Yoongi smoke? Holy shit." Hoseok complains and they walked down the hallway, they see Yoongi, sat in front of the piano, it was out of tune but he kept playing slowly and softly 

"Jimin, is that you?" Yoongi calls out, turning his head only to be disappointed when he sees Namjoon and Hoseok "W-Where's my Jimin?" Yoongi asked, wiping his nose with the back of his hand.

He truly looked like a wreck, his eyes were bloodshot red and puffy, most likely from the crying he did that night, he had been trying to contact Jimin but the omega never answered 

"Where's my Jimin? Is he okay? Is he safe? Please tell me." He tries to stand up but for his knees to buckle and he falls back down on the piano, Namjoon had told Hoseok to take Jimin's belongings as well as the cat, he didn't want to leave Hoseok with Yoongi because of the possibility of the two alphas to break into a fight "Namjoon, I need to see him, I want- I want to see my Jimin."

Yoongi wasn't even facing Namjoon at this point as he kept muttering out words "Tough luck big boy, he doesn't want to see you, it's best to let him heal." Namjoon answers coldly, Yoongi scoffs as he fills his glass with brandy 

"He needs to know how fucking sorry I am, I made a mistake and he needs to know that I still love him." Yoongi's voice had cracked towards the end but Namjoon just rolled his eyes

"Yoongi Hyung?"Namjoon hears a foreign voice coming from the door way "Jimin Hyung? You in here?" Namjoon and Yoongi turned to see Jihoon "Ah Hyung, what happened to you?" He asks, voice full of concern as he approaches them 

"What are you doing here Jihoon?" Yoongi asked "Jaebum Hyung wanted me to come here, he wanted to check up on you and Jimin." Yoongi just turns his head and grumbles "Jimin isn't here." His tone was cold as he spoke to his younger brother "Where is he then?" Yoongi clenched his fist and Namjoon took charge 

"Jihoon, wait for me outside, okay?" Jihoon nodded as fear struck him when he saw Yoongi's body language "Okay Hyung." The younger Min exited the room and Namjoon turned to Yoongi "Yoongi, I know you're angry but don't take it out on your little brother."

"Namjoon, I'm gonna ask again, where is Jimin? I want- I need to see him. I want to be with him and see him grow and see our pup grow." Yoongi was full on begging "I'm never telling you Yoongi." Just then Hoseok pats Namjoon's shoulder as a way to tell him that it's time to go 

"Namjoon, Jimin is the best thing that has ever happened to me." Namjoon scoffs at his statement "The best thing? Yoongi, let me remind you that you abused him, you hurt him even though you knew he was carrying a pup, your pup! You know, you should be grateful that he hasn't pressed charges against you despite the shit you put him through. Just leave him alone Yoongi, for his sake and for the sake of you pup."

"Hyung, you wanted me to wait here." Jihoon spoke as Namjoon slams the apartment door "Yes, who was it that asked for you to check up on Jimin?" Namjoon asks, leading them to the elevator "Our oldest brother, Jaebum, he knows that Jimin is pregnant and he wanted me to see how he's doing." The beta answers 

"Tell your Hyung that Jimin is okay, he's moved in with me for the meantime, he's safe and if he wants to know the reason, tell him your brother had laid his hands on Jimin, they've broken up and I will be here to help Jimin with every step of his pregnancy." Namjoon explains carefully and clearly 

"I'll tell him, Hyung will be so disappointed in Yoongi Hyung," He shakes his head "But I'm glad Jimin is safe, can I go see him Hyung? I miss him." Jihoon asked with puppy dog eyes "Of course, he'd be ecstatic to see you."

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