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Neel: Avni

In a dark room

Girl: If you would have accepted my proposal ,this day wouldn't have came in Avni's life I love You Neel. Bhai we need to kill this Avni very soon.

Vijay: You are right Anaya

In police station

Nidhi: Avni mam aap thik-

Before she could complete sentence Neel took place near Avni. Nidhi moved side. DD told everyone to leave and took goons from there.

Neel hugged Avni: Avni are u okay. When did u came.

He broke the hug and started kissing all over her face, tears were rolling down on his cheeks.

Neel: I am sorry Avni, i don't know when....how...sorry

Avni cupped his face: It's okay Neel i am fine

Neel: No u need rest. And why did u came here(almost shouting)

Avni: Tumhare bina man nahi lag raha tha

Neel: Now I am not going to leave u for second.

He picked her up in bridal style and took her in the car.

Neel: Now keep sitting and yes, don't come out

Avni nooded her head lie small child

Inside police station

Neel: dd, torture them until they spek who was behind all this.

DD yes sir

Meanwhile in the car

Avni was getting bored so opened her phone. Suddenly someone from side put a cloth on her nose and mouth, her eyes widened, she was trying to move the hand as she was not able to breath. One of a policeman saw this he ran towards car. Seeing the policeman, the man ran away.

Policeman: stop..stop..Sir

Neel came out running with DD and Arjun. He saw Avni breathing heavily. He rushed towards her.

Neel while rubbing her back: Avni...are u okay..what happened

Policeman: Sir a man came and put cloth on man's nose and face, he was trying to suffocate her, so that she will di-

Neel: Shut up. Don't u dare to speak that word. Avni. Calm down.

He showed her how to breath, remember that seen when Avni was crying and Neel said, breath in and out.

Avni did same. Neel wiped away the sweat from her forehead.


DD noded in yes.

Neel took Avni at home and laid her down on the bed. He bandaged he feet. Then sat beside her. Avni put her head on Neel's lap. He started caressing her hair slowly, Avni closed the eye. Neel laid down beside her, made her sleep on his arm, Avni in sleep held his shirt tightly. Neel wrapped both arms around her, making sure she is safe and with him.


Precap: Anaya trying to get close to Neel in college, in absence of Avni.


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