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Neel and Avni sat on their places.

Anaya in mind: Oh god. What the hell. I thought at least these two will be away from each other on trip, but NO. They are sticking like a magnet, but don't worry Miss-soon -to-be-Avni-mehta. I will kill you as we will go back to college. Enjoy as much u want to.

At night. Everyone were sleeping but our Avneil were looking at each other. Both on top Berth(seat there are three)

Neel got up from his seat and climbed up to Avni's. He made himself comfortable beside Avni. Took her hand on his arm. Avni came closer to him, wrapped her arms around him. Her heat made him more comfortable.

Avni: Why did u came hear

Neel: I was missing u

Avni gave "really" look

Neel: Come on Avni i missed your warmth, and i have habit of sleeping like this. So no more questions.

Neel started caressing her hair, taking some and then adjusting them.

Avni: You love my hairs more than me?


Avni pouted

Avni: Then i will cut them

Neel : NOO, u belong to me. And i will not let u cut these beautiful hair of yours.

Avni cuddled more into him.

Neel then moved hairs back from her face, and started kissing on her forehead, then on her eyes, cheeks, side of her lips, then to chin, jaw line.

He planted a soft kiss on her throat Avni moved her head back to give him more excess. While his hand carried her back. He flipped their position, Avni completely on top of Neel. Neel came closer to her lips. Avni was blinking her eyes more than normal. Neel smiled. He made her head rest on his chest.

Avni: Neel(in sleepy voice)

Neel: Shh let me sleep.

He wrapped his hands around her like huung her. Gently placing her on seat he was about to leave when her earring stuck in his shirt button

Avni: sss

Neel slowly took out her earring. And kissed her ear. Then her took out other earring, moving haris back. He took out her watch, then, chain. A small smile crept on his face looking at mangalsutra. Gently he placed her head on pillow and adjusted it. Seeing her messy hair, he tied her hair, after lots of struggle. After giving a small kiss on her forehead, he slept hugging her.

After sometime ticket checker came,

TC: Ticket please

Kabir: Uff. aliiii ticket

Ali while putting blanket over his face: I don't have it. Sir have

Kabir: SIRR

Neel woke up and say everyone stirring in sleep, he looked at his position.

After checking tickets tc went. After some time admirng her wify, giving a small kiss on her pout. He went to his seat and slept.


Here it is. I have no idea when i will update next. But surely, i will TRY to update this and other ffs.

Precap: no idea this time 

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