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Neel: Now U will have really nice sleep wify

With that Avni blushed and Neel kissed her cheeks.

After changing clothes then slept on the bed, Avni in Neels arm her his heart, secure, that sleep was a peaceful sleep.


Avni's head was on Neel's chest and hand wrapped around his waist. Neel's one hand was around her shoulder and other on her hair. The peace on both of the couples. Neel had a smile on his face whereas Avni had a pout. Neel's sleep was disturbed due to alarm ringing. He switches off the alarm on the right side of the bed. Neel moved a little bit to stretch, due to these actions Avni was getting disturbed and hugged him more

Avni: Neel Shanti se so jaw na please(in a sleepy voice)

Neel smile at his wify. He moved the hair in front of her face

Neel: Good morning Wify. College Nahi Jana

And placed a kiss on her forehead.

Avni: Neel please five more minutes

Hugging Neel and try to get back to her dreamland

Neel: Avni hum late ho jaynge

Avni shut her eyes little tightly, trying to dream

Neel: Avniii

Avni: Neel promise 5 minutes

Neel: And if u get late don't blame me

Avni: Neel I won't, u go freshen up first, till then let me sleep.

Neel gently placed Avni head on the pillow and stood up. Just then Avni grabbed his hand

Neel: What happened Avni

Avni still eyes closed: U know na that I can only have a really good sleep when u are with me. Now come and sleep

She pulled Neel and slept on his chest. Neel started caressing her hir.

Neel: But u said I should go first and freshen up

Avni: That is ur problem Mr.Alaram clock let me sleep for 5 more minutes, and yes not a word.

Neell smiled looking at her childship behaviour, and he knew if they don't get up know they are surely going to get let. Neel came closer to Avni or u can say towards her lips. Avni was not in that deep sleep so she can feel his hot breath. She closed her eyes tightly. And after few moments she got up.

Avni: Enough of sleep Mr.Khanna, get up or else we will get late

Neel: But u said u want to sleep more(he said with a smirk)

Avni: I know it is all ur plan. Now let's get ready.

After some time they both got ready and went to college

Avni: Hey guys.

Riya: Hi babes

Kabir: Hi Avni feeling good

Avni up

Ali and Mitali: Hi Avni

Avni: Hi so what is our plan for today as we don't have many lessons

Everyone: of course our "Adda"

Avni: Library, okay so first let's attend our classes

They went to their class

Nidhi came

Nidhi: So students I hope u all are understanding science really well. I will give u all this lesson to revise as I can take surprise test anytime this week so be prepared.

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