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Avni woke up and didn't found Neel on the bed. She looked around and found a note on the table.

Note:I didn't wanted to disturb your sleep u were looking really cute(avni smiled). So as u know I cannot control so I gave a small peck on ur lips(avni touched her lips and blushed). Now stop blushing my dear wify get ready you have to be in the assembly hall at sharp 10:00. Punishment for getting late.*smirk

Avni quickly looked at the clock which showed 9:35.

Avni: oh god. It takes 20 minutes to reach there and I am not even ready.

She quickly moved the duvet and rushed in the bathroom and came out after 5 minutes. She took her shoes and ran towards car.

Shweta:Avni puttar breakfast-

Avni :Sorry mummy ji late hogaya

She started the car and there was not much traffic so she reached at 9:59. She still had her shoes in her hands.

She ran through the corridor and finally reached at 10:00.

Neel: On time Miss. Avni I am impressed.

(with a smile)

Whole class turned towards door.

Avni angrily threw shoes on the floor with made loud sound. And gave a forced smile


Neel:u can come in

Avni again gave forced smile: no thank you(in mind: u are dead mr. Khanna)

Neel: OKY students. I thought to give u some break so me and principal sir decided to organise a trip to Nainital. Today is friday and we all will leave on Sunday morning 9:00 am. U can fill form which Nidhi will give to all of u. Thank U now u all may leave.

Before moving Neel looked at the door where Avni was standing but she faced other side when he looked towards her.

Neel in mind: ya allah. Oh god. He bhagwan. Please save me today

All of them moved out of the hall. Avni’s friends moved to canteen and sat on their places. And started filling out the forms. Avni took her food.

Reha:Avni why are u filling the form?

Nidhi. Dd. NEEL and Anil were standing near counter

Avni: I don't want to go.

Reha:Avni today u have to give the forms.

Kabir: give ur form to me i will fill it

Ali: and I will pay

Avni angrily threw the paper in the bin.

Avni: I am not coming that is final.

Nidhi:Sir. Mam is not coming

Neel looked at Avni and sighed.

Mitali:And why didn't u wore ur shoes

Avni glared at Neel.

Avni:Because SOMEONE DIDN'T WOKE ME UP(she said loudly so that नील can hear)

Dd. Nidhi and Anil looked and Neel. Who in return gave ‘what’ look.

Just than Shanaya came

Shanaya: Poor Avni can't even afford a trip tsk tsk tsk

Avni: Don't u think nowadays u (using her finger for “”) “CARE” a lot about me.

Ali: don't worry shanaya I am coming

Mitali glared at him.

Kabir: Me too

Nidhi’s mouth was in O shape.

Shanaya : whatever

Avni started eating her food. Shanaya moved to Neel.

Shanya :Neel

Dd. Nidhi. Anil. Avni. And her friends looked at her with shocked expressions


Shanya: I mean sir. NEEL sir this is my formt. And yes hope u are also coming.

Neel smirked looking at Avni who held the spoon tightly.

Neel: of course

Avni banged her hand on the table and moved to nidhi

Avni: mam can I have one more form please (while glaring at Neel)


Avni took the form and filled it. She moved Neel’s hand forward and angrily gave it in his hand.

Avni: I am also coming shanaya hope u dont mind!

Avni was about to go.

Shanaya:But u didn't gave Money Miss. Avni

Avni : oh that. I guess u are rich enough to pay for me. Or (looking a Neel) sir can lend me some. Will u sirrr

Neel: y… yes...su..sure

Avni left giving forced smile.


Sorry for late update.

No Conditions. Free update next time. Because I don't updates on time. So this is my plenty

Precap: Shopping

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