2.5K 95 12

[going back a bit]

"come on marcus! i don't wanna be late!" i shout and tie up my sneakers. marcus runs down the stairs and grabs his football shoes and stuffs them in his bag.

i do the same and go out the door after my twin. after arguing about the front seat of the car for a while dad comes out and i have to take the defeat and go to the back.

dad starts the car and starts driving towards the football field where our match is today. it's a nice day, twenty-fifth of july. we don't have any concerts coming up for a while so why not be a part of the football team's games for a while.

mosjøen il against umm, i don't even know. the team is from somewhere near oslo i think. good luck for them coming all the way here just to lose.

"thanks for the ride dad! are you coming out to watch the game?" i ask before getting out of the car.

"can't, sorry. i have some work to do but i'll meet you after." he says with an apologetic smile.

"okay, bye then." i sigh and get out. me and marcus start racing to the field where the rest of our team is already warming up.

i take out my football shoes and throw my back bag where the others have thrown theirs. then i join my team and start warming up.

our coach is telling some basic information about today's game. if we win, we are going to get pizza. if we lose, we are going straight home, no pizza. so i'm guessing we have to win.

we hear a whistle so we run to the other side of the huge field, that's where our match is. the other team is already there and when we get there i start checking them out.

looks like we could win this thing. easy pizza, huh? i chuckle at my own little joke before running to my opening spot.

the referee blows to his whistle and the game starts. the ball is at the opponent but i quickly get it and start running towards the goal.

i try to score but the goalkeeper catches the ball and throws it back on the field. i curse quietly so nobody can hear and run after the ball again.

after a long game johannes finally scores the winning goal. all of our teammates, including me run to him and jump around yelling and hugging him.

nothing beats the feeling of winning. and knowing there's pizza if you win. i turn to the other team and see the disappointment and anger in their faces and can't help but laugh a little.

i run to the side of the field and get my water bottle. i don't know when i've ever been this hot and thirsty. i empty the bottle at one gulp.

then i try to find marcus' bottle to get some more water but he snaps it to him right before i can take it.

"no can do brother, i'm hot too." he says and starts drinking. oh come on. i need water. it keeps me hydrated and alive.

"look martinus, a bottle flip!" marcus says and tries to flip his bottle. it wasn't successful. i laugh at him and quickly take his bottle so i could drink from it.

everyone runs to the other side of the field to their back bags so we could go get the pizzas. there's a pizza place near the field so we go there.

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now