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"martinus it's all over the news!" marcus says. i finally got the chance to talk to him after a long time.

"oh no. we're doomed. who would be a fan of a murderer?" i say and brush my hand through my hair.

"have mom and dad visited?" marcus asks.

i shake my head and sigh. "i don't think they will. they're embarrassed of me."

"they're just in a shock. they will visit you sooner or later, don't worry." marcus reassures me.

"visiting time is over." an officer says. i look at him and then at marcus.

"remember that i love you." he says and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"i love you too." i say before leaving.

if i could do one thing differently it would be ending my life instead of astrid's. i want to be with her. right now.

it's late and everyone is sleeping but i'm just thinking about astrid, marcus, my parents, everyone whose life i've ruined.

i'm surprised marcus even comes to visit. i don't know if i could do it if he killed someone. i really hope he never does anything like that.

i wonder how the fans are doing. they must be so disappointed. i ruined our career.

there's actually no reason to live anymore. not even marcus can make everything better.

my parents haven't visited me the whole time i've been here. adrian has visited once, disa came with marcus one time too. marcus is the one who actually comes here.

i guess that shows he's the only one who cares. i sigh and turn to my other side. this isn't anything i planned to be doing at this point of my life.

"i have to do something about this." i mumble even tho nobody can hear, obviously.

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now