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"good morning lovers, why don't you get up so we can get going." someone says and throws me in the head with something.

i groan and open my eyes. i can see adrian and my brother at the door.

"wait, get going where?" i ask. astrid has woken up too and is now sitting between my legs.

"we're going to the beach, remember?" adrian says raising his eyebrow. i sigh. of course.

"oh yea i forgot. leave the room so we can get ready." i say and point at the door. marcus closes it and i fall back on my back.

"i don't wanna go. can't we just stay here." i groan pulling astrid back on top of me.

"no martinus, we promised to go to the beach with them." she chuckles and gets up. i sigh and get up too.

"fine but if it sucks i'm never doing it again." i mumble. i'd much rather spend the day with my girlfriend than some annoying people.

"it won't suck. now cheer up." astrid says. we change into our bathing suits and go downstairs where everyone is already waiting.

"let's get this over with." i sigh and leave the door. i'm not in the mood to do anything except lay in the bed with my girlfriend.

what if the weird person who's texting me just shows up and kills astrid? or marcus? or anyone? i don't want anyone to die on this trip.

"martinus come on cheer up." marcus says quietly.

"i can't. i don't want anyone to get hurt on this trip like you did earlier." i say.

"hey, there's five of us here. nobody's gonna get hurt, okay?" marcus says and pats my back.

i just nod and keep walking. i wonder if i could leave the country with astrid and marcus so neither of them would get killed.

we get to the beach so i have to stop thinking and start paying attention to my friends. i sit down on the sand and watch as marcus and astrid go to the water followed by adrian and disa.

i keep glancing around in case someone is in the bushes. i hear a noise and immediately get up an run to where i heard it.

"caught you!" i say when i get to the bush. there's nobody there. just a cat. i sigh and go back. i think i should stop being so suspicious.

i ended up having a nice time actually. nobody was trying to kill anyone, nobody got hurt, everything was fine.

right now i'm eating a pizza with marcus while we're watching a movie.

"marcus do you think someone's just messing with me?" i say, quietly in case someone can actually hear everything i say.

"yes martinus. can you please stop worrying it's not good for you." marcus answers clearly annoyed with this whole thing.

"okay, thanks bro." i say. i'm still not sure though.

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now