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"hi, i'm here to visit martinus gunnarsen." i say. i haven't seen him in a week and i'm really starting to miss him.

"oh, haven't you heard?" the person i'm talking to says.

"heard what?" i ask getting really concerned.

"martinus was found dead in his cell a few days ago."

"w-what?" my heart is beating so fast and my hands are getting sweaty.

"i'm so sorry marcus." the woman says and gives me a smile.

i just turn around and leave the building. what am i supposed to do now? live my life like a normal person would?

"hi honey, you're home early." mom says from the living room.

"yea, wanna know why?" i say with a bitter tone. "because there's nobody to visit anymore. martinus is dead."

mom turns her head to me. i can tell she's as shocked as i am. i can't believe this.

"but at least i saw him before he died. at least i visited every week. unlike you." suddenly i get really mad.

mom doesn't say anything. she just goes to the kitchen. seriously? her son just died and that's how she reacts?

"mom! are you serious right now? don't you care about him?" i try not to break down.

"i got a call when they found him. i already knew, marcus." mom says. "of course i care about my son."

"yea well you don't seem to show it." i mumble.

i put my shoes back on and head outside. i can't think straight in that house.

i've been walking around for a while when i hear a crack from a bush. i turn to where i heard the voice and see someone familiar. 

"martinus?" i say and go a bit closer. he puts his index finger over his mouth signaling for me to be quiet.

"i'm sorry, i'll explain later." he says before running away.

what just happened?


murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now