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"astrid come on, please come here." i whine but she just chuckles and keeps doing something by my desk.

i sigh and grab her hand, pulling her on the bed on top of me. i smile and place a small kiss on her perfect lips.

"you make me so happy." i say and move a strand of her hair behind her ear. "i can't get enough of you."

"same here, martinus." astrid says smiling too. i tighten my grip around her and pull her closer.

i hear my phone going off and i groan. i don't wanna get up, it's so comfortable here.

"what if it's important?" astrid says.

"i don't care, you're more important." i say and push my phone further away.
i guess we fell asleep because the next time i open my eyes it's already dark outside. i look down and see astrid sleeping on top of me with her arms wrapped around me.

i yawn and take out my phone. i check my messages and see one from 'unknown.' i sigh and open it. i'm really sick of this.

unknown- hello martinus. i have two options for you.

martinus- what are the options then?

unknown- either you kill your brother, or your girlfriend.

martinus- i'm not doing either of those! you're crazy.

unknown- you have to, or else i'm gonna kill all three of you.

martinus- fuck you!

unknown- you have three days to choose.

i throw my phone on the floor with frustration. i don't wanna kill anyone. what have i done to deserve this?

astrid starts moving. i think she woke up because i threw my phone. "fuck." i whisper quietly.

"martinus? what are you doing?" astrid mumbles and sits up.

"sorry i woke you up, just go back to sleep. it's three am." i say and pull her back in my arms.

"yea yea. but what did you do?" she asks again.

"i checked the time and thought i threw the phone on the bed but it hit the floor." i lie. i put my arms around astrid and hold her close.

i can't kill her. or marcus. or anyone. but there's nothing else to do. what if i get someone who looks like them? like a doll.

my heart starts beating fast because i'm stressing out. i sigh and try to fall back asleep. astrid gives me a kiss on the cheek and that calms me down a bit.

i pull astrid closer, if that's even possible, and close my eyes. her presence makes me feel safe. and this situation is in no way safe.

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now