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"i hope you're happy, martinus." marcus says and bangs my door closed.

"what do you mean?" i ask yawning.

"you made a total fool out of yourself." marcus explains.

"oh god not again." i mumble. i should've just listened to marcus last night. "don't tell me what i did, i don't wanna know."

marcus just sighs and rolls his eyes before leaving the room. i shake my head and try to find my phone.

after a bit of searching i finally find it in my closet, no  idea why it was there.

i notice that i have gotten a new message from an unknown number.

unknown- you've done bad things, and now it's time to pay the price. unless you don't wanna get killed, you have to do as said.

martinus- yea sure. how would you know?

unknown- i'm closer than you think. now here's the thing. unless you wanna get killed, you have to kill.

martinus- how stupid do you think i am? like i would just fall for a simple prank? pfft.

"marcus! come check this out!" i yell.

unknown- if you tell your beloved brother, i will kill both of you. are you sure you wanna take that risk?

martinus- fuck off.

"what did you wanna show me?" marcus asks. i look at my phone and then back at him. should i take that risk?

"nevermind." i say and throw my phone away. marcus just shakes his head and goes back to his room.

i sigh and lean to the wall. i don't wanna kill anyone. i couldn't kill anyone, not even the person i hate most in the world.

i've been laying on my bed just looking at the ceiling for hours. it must be a prank. who would even know about this outside our group?

it must just be marcus. yea. i'm gonna ask him. i take my phone and go to his room without knocking.

"did you send these?" i ask showing him the messages.

"no, but whoever did must just be messing with you." marcus says and hands the phone back to me.

"yea. sure." i say scratching my head. he must be right. "i'm gonna go now."

i go back to my room and throw myself on the bed. i sigh and start looking at the ceiling once again.

"i'm going out for a run, see you later." marcus peeks his head through the door. i just give him a thumbs up with no bigger reaction whatsoever.
it has now been over three hours since marcus left, he never leaves for this long. and if he had stayed in the field and played some football he would've informed me.

suddenly i hear someone at the front door so i jump up and go check who it is. my jaw drops when i see that it's marcus and that he has a black eye.

"what happened!" i immediately ask and go help him.

"i don't know, i was running around like usually and then someone just attacked me and basically kicked my ass." marcus says.

i help him upstairs and tell him to take off his shirt. he reveals a couple bruises on his sides and one on his chest.

"oh god i'm so sorry, this is my fault." i say.

"what, did you kick my ass?" marcus asks raising his eyebrows.

"no but it's the person who sent those messages." i say. "i think it was a waring." i bite my lip.

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now