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"are we actually doing this?" i ask a little concerned when adrian pulls out two guns from his backpack. "and did you ask your dad for those?"

"geez martinus, relax. i didn't ask because i knew he would start lecturing me about safety and then he'd say no." adrian answers.

"martinus stop being such a pussy. adrian give me one of those." marcus says sticking out his hand. come on marcus you're my twin, you're supposed to take my side!

"marcus do you think that's a good idea?" i ask when he's already pointing at one of the cans. he just chuckles before shooting. a perfect hit. thank god. or wait, no?

"it's okay, martinus. we're totally safe." disa says giving me a smile. i try to smile back but i'm still scared that someone will mess this up.

i've been sitting on some rock for an hour just watching the others shoot stuff. it's going pretty well, nobody has been hurt or anything.

"okay, martinus. your turn." adrian says turning to me with the gun. i fall off the rock to the ground.

"are you crazy? don't point that thing at me!" i almost scream.

"just relax. come on, one shot and i'll stop bothering you with this." he says. i sigh and get off the ground.

i take the gun from adrian and gulp. i point at one of the cans with a really concentrated look. i take the safety off and slowly pull the trigger and close my eyes because i don't wanna watch.

"what?! that was a perfect shot martinus!" adrian says before i even dare to open my eyes.

"really?" i ask when i open them. i look at one of the cans which now has a bullet hole right in the middle. "but i'm not shooting again." i drop the gun on the ground.

"you have to! you're a natural, you could even kill people with those skills." adrian insists. oh hell no. there's no way i'm shooting anything.

"come on, adrian. let him be." astrid says. i mouth her a silent thank you and sit back on the rock.

marcus just shrugs his shoulders and picks up the gun from the ground. then he shoots something and gives the gun to adrian who does the same.

they keep doing that for a while more till they get bored and we leave the forest. we just decide to go home, it's getting late.

"bye guys, see you later." marcus says when we part ways. i just wave and keep walking. i open the front door and go inside.

"i'm never doing anything like that again." i say and go to the kitchen.

"oh come on, martinus. we both know that's not true." marcus chuckles. "you'll agree to anything after a while."

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now