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people have been spamming in the group all night. marcus has been talking with the people and the way he's writing in is not how he usually writes.

he's acting like he's cool or something and he's cursing a lot. i don't wanna seem like a mom but he should watch his language.

adrian-you guys wanna hang out later?

marcus-hell yea! i'm bored

astrid-me and disa are down

martinus-language marcus!

the people in the group send question marks and random emojis to my comment but i don't really care. i just hope marcus doesn't make me go out with them.

"martinus, let's go!" marcus says. just as i guessed, i have to go out which will lead to me being dragged into some trouble which i'll end up getting the full blame on.

"ugh, fine. but you'll have to promise i won't get in trouble." i mumble and get up from my bed.

"loosen up martinus, it's not like we're going to rob the bank or anything." marcus says and lets out a small laugh.

"i swear if we end up robbing a bank i'm going home." i say and point my finger at my twin. he just shakes his head and goes downstairs.

i follow after him and put on my yeezys. i'm actually kind of scared of what we're gonna do. i don't wanna get into trouble.

after a while of walking we reach the store where we originally met those guys. they haven't arrived yet so we sit by one of the benches and just wait.

"hey boys, how are ya?" disa asks when she and astrid arrive. marcus starts talking with them while i just sit there quietly playing on my phone.

when adrian has arrived and the others have talked for a while more we somehow end up at the local beach. all of us went home to get our swimsuits and now we're here.

"last one in the water is a rotten egg!" marcus yells and everyone starts running. i don't like hanging out with these people but i'm not gonna be called a rotten egg for the rest of the day so i'm the first one in the water.

"holy shit this is cold." i mumble and try to control my body from shivering too much.

"wait what's that? did i just hear something come out from martinus' mouth? and it was a swear word!" astrid says and acts surprised.

"oh fuck off." i say and roll my eyes. astrid just laughs at me.

this is actually not that bad. i guess after six hours you'll get used to people you don't like. i think astrid is nice, disa is weird, but in a good way and adrian is kinda cool too.

and then there's marcus, who has finally dropped the act and is like he usually is. i'm glad about that because well, i hate when he has that act on.

"i actually had kinda fun today, thanks guys." i say when me and marcus are about to go home.

"same here, see you soon." astrid says. me and marcus start heading home and talk about everything on the way.

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