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i'm sitting in my bed with a playstation controller in my hand and waiting for marcus to come. he's getting his fifa18 from somewhere.

he finally comes and we can start the game. i'm chelsea and he's manchester united, of course. i sit up so i can concentrate better.

"yes! i won!" marcus jumps up from the bed and throws his hands in the air in excitement. i throw the controller in the bed and curse.

"hey let's go out. i wanna take some pictures for instagram." i say and get up from the bed. i grab my phone from my bed before going downstairs.

marcus follows after me and we put on our shoes. i start walking towards the local grocery store because i want an ice cream.

"watch it loser." someone says and bumps into me. i turn around and raise my eyebrow. the girl who bumped into me goes over to her friends and starts telling them how i was the one whose fault this is.

she's whispering the her friends, another girl and a boy, and pointing at me. i shake my head and turn around again before walking to the store.

when i walk out with the ice cream in my hand the group is still outside. i tell marcus to walk faster before they can say anything to us.

"yo pretty boys, come here." one of the girls say. marcus and i exchange a look. mine is more like let's go but marcus starts walking towards the people. i sigh and follow after him.

"are you new here, i've never seen you around before." marcus says. i'm just awkwardly standing behind him anxiously waiting for us to go home.

"the girls don't live here but i do. adrian rasmussen." the boy says and sticks out his hand for us to shake it.

"marcus gunnarsen. this is my twin, martinus." marcus introduces us and shakes adrian's hand. i shake it too and say a quiet hello.

"oh you're the singers. i've heard about you. i'm astrid bergvall and this is disa østman." the girl with the curly ginger hair says and points at the girl with dark brown hair.

somehow the conversation just keeps going even tho i keep trying to end it by saying we have to go home. marcus just shrugs it off by saying that someone will call us when we have to go.

i don't really wanna hang out with these people, they seem kind of suspicious. like the people mom has warned us not to be seen with. i would warn my kids about these people too.

"you seem like nice people, do you wanna hang out some time or something?" marcus asks. no marcus stop! if only he could read my thoughts.

the other people give their numbers to marcus and he creates a group chat for us. oh jesus i don't wanna do this. why does he have to be so outgoing and talkative around people. why can't he just be quiet or not talk to strangers like we have been taught. doesn't the phrase stranger danger say anything to him?

after some time we finally start heading home. of course we take some pictures on the way, that was the original idea of this whole trip.

when we get home i slap the back of marcus' head and go upstairs leaving him wondering what he did. made me be with people i didn't want to be with, that's what he did.

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now