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"martinus, please don't shoot me!" astrid begs with tears in her eyes.

"i'm sorry, astrid. this has to end." i say and pull the trigger with no expression. finally. "bye bye baby." i say and wave at astrid's falling body.

then it hits me. i shot her. i walk to the edge of the cliff where she fell from and look down. she's still falling. then she hits a sharp rock.

"no! astrid!" i yell out. i start panicking and don't know what to do. "astrid, wait there, i'm coming with you!" i say and back down.

just as i'm about to run off the edge someone takes a hold of my arm and pulls me back so hard i fall down and hit my head.

"martinus, wake up!" i can hear marcus. "come on, wake up!" he shakes me.

i gasp for air and open my eyes. i look around. i actually fell off my bed. i'm breathing heavily.

"you okay? you fell off your bed." marcus says with a worried face.

"yea i just had a nightmare." i say and take marcus' hand. he pulls me up and i sit on my bed.

i sigh and brush my fingers through my hair. i can't keep this a secret. but i can't tell anyone either. i need to talk to adrian.

"martinus, you're not fine. tell me what's up." marcus says and sits next to me. "tell your big brother what's wrong." he says and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"i, um. i killed astrid." i say quietly. "i- i mean in that dream." i continue quickly because i realize it wasn't a good idea to tell marcus.

"do you think it had something to do with the fight you had." he asks.

i just nod and wipe my cheek. i realize there's a few tears rolling down. oh god i'm such a baby.

"hey, martinus don't cry!" marcus says. "you'll work everything through!" he says with a more worried expression than before.

i nod again but start crying more. marcus wraps his arms around me and i do the same. this is like we handled stuff when we were young. we just cried together in my room over something.

"wanna have a sleepover? you know like when we were young?" marcus suggests. i nod and crawl under the covers.

marcus gets his blanket from his room because we're too big to sleep under the same one and he lies down next to me.

"thanks, marcus. i really needed this." i whisper.

"no problem. anytime." marcus whispers back. "goodnight little bro."

"goodnight big bro."

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now