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"marcus just because i had fun doesn't mean i wanna go out with them again!" i say and take a hold of the doorframe as marcus is trying to push me out of the door.

"we're going, i know you'll end up having a good time anyways so be a man and suck it up." marcus says and pushes me a little harder so my hand slips and i almost fall.

"fine, you win this time. but next time i'm not going." i mumble. i would much rather spend this beautiful day on the football field with my friends than somewhere else probably committing crimes with those new kids.

we, well, marcus agreed for the both of us that we would be meeting them where we first met, at the store. i wonder if i could break a bone on the way there or something.

"come on martinus it's gonna be fun. cheer up!" marcus says. i just roll my eyes. he better be right because if it sucks i'm never agreeing to do anything he wants ever again.

"hey guys!" disa says when we get to the store. i just wave my hand at her while marcus starts talking like he's known these people for years.

"so what are we gonna do?" i say trying to sound happy and not like i wanna throw myself under the bus after being struck by a lightning like ten times.

"maybe eat something?" adrian suggests. i nod, as long as we're not stealing the food i'm down with it.

we go to the store and buy something to eat. then we go back outside to the table and start eating. it's such a beautiful day. i wish i was at the field.

"do you have any parties around here?" astrid asks.

"yea, sometimes. but i don't think there's one coming soon." marcus says. "unless we have one?"

"no, marcus!" i say quickly. everyone looks at me. "i-i mean, not yet. we have to wait until mom and dad go to that trip." i correct myself. i don't wanna look stupid in front of the new kids.

i don't really wanna be their friend but since i probably have to start hanging out with them because of marcus i don't wanna be laughed at every day and be called mamma's boy.

we somehow end up up on the hill where you can see the whole trofors. adrian is balancing on the edge while marcus and disa are sitting there enjoying the view.

"i really like this place." astrid says and sits next to me on top of the table. i glance at her and nod. "i really don't wanna leave when summer ends."

"we still have a few more weeks to make this summer unforgettable." i say.

"unforgettable, eh?" adrian says smirking. "i have a great idea."

marcus and disa get up and come to the table too. adrian stands next to it and disa and marcus sit on the bench.

"my dad owns a couple guns. i think it would be fun to go shoot some cans in the woods." adrian says. i gulp and glance at marcus who glances at me.

"i, um, i-i i don't know if that's such a good idea." i say. "isn't that kinda dangerous?"

"it's not if you're in the woods with nobody else in there and don't point at anyone." adrian shrugs his shoulders.

"well i'm down." marcus says. my eyes get wide. this isn't gonna end well.

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now